y separately published work icon Jacket periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1998... no. 3 April 1998 of Jacket est. 1997 Jacket
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* Contents derived from the , 1998 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Speed, a Pastorali"it's fun to take speed", John Forbes , single work poetry
Ode to Karl Marxi"Old father of the horrible bride whose", John Forbes , single work poetry
Anti-Romantici"You meet your daemon &", John Forbes , single work poetry
Satellite of Lovei"like unwound toys or the mind of a stone", John Forbes , single work poetry
Dean Martin's Definition of Happinessi"Chris Wallace-Crabbe once told me", John Forbes , single work poetry
Dialogue with John Forbesi"Nige -", Nigel Roberts , single work poetry
In memoriam John Forbes, Gig Ryan , single work obituary
This eulogy was given by Gig Ryan at a memorial mass for John Forbes at St Brigid's Church, Fitzroy North, Melbourne, on February 2, 1998.
Love Poemi"Spent tracer flecks Baghdad's", John Forbes , single work poetry war literature
Two Portraitsi"amongst this pile of books by the bed", Ken Bolton , single work poetry
Speech to Launch Damaged Glamour On John Forbes, Carl Harrison-Ford , single work criticism
Grim Reaper Bluesi"what are warning me for", Rae Desmond Jones , single work poetry
The Dam Bustersi"A brown shouldered kite's plunge", John Kinsella , single work poetry
Cambridge Considered as the Cocos & Keeling Islandsi"Where you found your perfect Scandinavian", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry
Unfaithful Translationsi"& where to tender my Catullus now,", Hugh Tolhurst , extract poetry
God on a Bicyclei"A handful of snow turns into a cloud", John Tranter , single work poetry
Ode on the Cunning of Skase, and Other Lessons for Young Poets, John Tranter , single work review
— Review of Damaged Glamour John Forbes , 1998 selected work poetry ;
Note: This review is untitled.
Untitledi"to come away with Hesiod", Kris Hemensley , single work poetry
On the Eve of the Destruction of Piss Christi"We were in the Gulgag", Hugh Tolhurst , single work poetry
Thank God for the Bourgeoisie, John Tranter , single work prose