y separately published work icon Sand Writers periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2000... vol. 1 no. 7 Winter 2000 of Sand Writers Sand Writers
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* Contents derived from the , 2000 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
An Ill Wind, Jeanne Matthews , single work short story (p. 3)
Time Shadows, Elizabeth Carver , single work short story (p. 6)
Hats, Margaret Patricia Lloyd , single work short story (p. 8)
No Man's Land, Joyce (Marjory Joyce) Fitzpatrick , single work short story (p. 9)
Daguerreotype, Jenni Worth , single work poetry (p. 11)
New Nosh, Liz Sutherland , single work humour (p. 13)
Ireland, Norma Paltridge , single work poetry (p. 15)
Dark Days, Margaret Patricia Lloyd , single work poetry (p. 17)
Heading off..., Norma Paltridge , single work short story (p. 18)
All my love, Daisy, Virginia Lund , single work short story (p. 20)
Sauce for the Gander, Vivienne Causby , single work short story (p. 21)
The Rain in Spain, Norma Paltridge , single work poetry (p. 23)
Juggling, Jeanne Matthews , single work poetry (p. 24)
Divertimento, Helen Ellemor , single work short story (p. 25)
Special Orders, Liz Sutherland , single work short story (p. 31)
Recovery, Pen Simpson , single work poetry (p. 35)
A Vision from the Sea, Brenda Leitch , single work poetry (p. 36)
Four Walls, Sheila Eades , single work poetry (p. 37)
Rewards, Vivienne Causby , single work short story (p. 38)
8.00 Sunday 24 October 1999, At Home, Goolwa, Julie Wade , single work poetry (p. 39)