y separately published work icon Loraine and Other Verses selected work   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1898... 1898 Loraine and Other Verses
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* Contents derived from the Melbourne, Victoria,:George Robertson , 1898 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A Dedicationi"Not in calm haven of my page", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 2)
The Spirit of Poetryi"All things are Hers. Concealed or manifest,", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 3-4)
Lorainei"This is the story of one man's soul.", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 5-51)
The Nation Buildersi"A handful of workers seeking the star of a strong intent-", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 52-57)
A Nocturnei"Like weary sea-birds spent with flight", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 58-59)
Auri Sacra Famesi"Now that the gods are dead - where shall we find us a god?", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 60-66)
Adrift : A Brisbane River Reveriei"An amphitheatre of purple hills", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 67-69)
The Song of Graciai"Across the street, across the grass,", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 70-74)
Australiai"Earth's mightiest isle. She stands alone.", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 75-77)
By the Seai"Bright skies of summer o'er the deep,", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 78-80)
The Two Gobletsi"Bearing two crystal goblets in her hands", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 81-82)
On the Plainsi"Half-lost in film of faintest lawn,", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 83-87)
The Wheels of the Systemi"Where is God, whilst all around us sounds the jarring of the wheels,", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 88-92)
The Western Squatteri"The homestead has passed to a stranger's hands,", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 93-96)
Lux in Tenebrisi"When first the Gods, whose Empire is eternal,", George Essex Evans , single work poetry (p. 97-103)