y separately published work icon Modern Poetry anthology   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1939... 1939 Modern Poetry
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* Contents derived from the London,
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
Longmans, Green , 1939 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Droughti"My road is fenced with the bleached, white bones", Will H. Ogilvie , single work poetry (p. 233-234)
Fire in the Heavens Fire in the heavens, and fire along the hills The Forest of Night : 1898-1902 : The Quest of Silence : 54i"Fire in the heavens, and fire along the hills,", Christopher Brennan , single work poetry (p. 245)
The Wanderer : 1902- : 98i"O Desolate eves along the way, how oft", Christopher Brennan , single work poetry (p. 245-246)
Song and the Birdi"He hath his Heaven got:", John Shaw Neilson , single work poetry (p. 246-247)
In Londoni"When I look out on London's teeming streets,", Dora Wilcox , single work poetry (p. 247-249)
The Enchanted Orchardi"There's an enchanted orange orchard", H. M. Green , single work poetry (p. 283-284)
The Dancei"Burning noon", H. M. Green , single work poetry (p. 284-287)
Beauty of the Worldi"NOT what men see,", Furnley Maurice , single work poetry (p. 287-290)
The Pathfindersi"Night, and a bitter sky, and strange birds crying,", Vance Palmer , single work poetry (p. 314-315)
Ecstasyi"I saw a frieze on whitest marble drawn", W. J. Turner , single work poetry (p. 325-326)
In The Caves of Auvergnei"He carved the red deer and the bull", W. J. Turner , single work poetry (p. 326-328)