Issue Details: First known date: 1996... 1996 The White Man's Burdens : An Anthology of British Poetry of the Empire
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* Contents derived from the Exeter, Devon (County),
United Kingdom (UK),
Western Europe, Europe,
University of Exeter Press , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Botany Bayi"Away with all whimsical bubbles of air,", John Freeth , single work poetry (p. 110-111)
Sydney Cove A Fulfilled Prophecy Visit of Hope to Sydney Cove Visit of Hope to Sydney Cove Near Botany Bayi"Where Sydney Cove, her lucid bosom swells,", Erasmus Darwin , single work poetry (p. 122)
Lines on the Departure of Emigrants for New South Walesi"On England's shore I saw a pensive band,", Thomas Campbell , single work poetry (p. 153-156)
Mrs Watson : A Queensland Heroinei"Bury this woman as heroes are buried -", Douglas Sladen , single work poetry (p. 241-243)
Advance Australiai"Advance Australia! Yes, my boys,", single work poetry (p. 267-270)
The Answer of the Anzacsi"There was once a mother Lion,", Lawrence Eastwood , single work poetry (p. 357-358)
Australiai"When the North Lander saw the rose in blossom,", John Masefield , single work poetry (p. 366-369)