y separately published work icon Words and Visions periodical issue  
Alternative title: WAV
Issue Details: First known date: 1985... no. 18 Summer/Autumn 1985 of Words and Visions est. 1978-1985 Words and Visions
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* Contents derived from the , 1985 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Searching for the Time, Myron Lysenko , single work short story (p. 6-7)
The Alarm System, Peter Murphy , single work short story (p. 28-29, 32)
The Princess, Span , single work short story (p. 30-32)
Brogue Loveri"In the padded purr and kitten curl of Irish shore", Pauline Wardleworth , single work poetry (p. 33)
Cronulla Promenade Afternoonsi"six wheels walking.", Julie Young , single work poetry (p. 33)
The Waiting Roomi"no more work the doctor said", Geoff Goodfellow , single work poetry (p. 33)
Watchingi"the change in the times", Geoff Goodfellow , single work poetry (p. 33)
Shell Song, Adele Kipping , single work poetry (p. 34)
Snowjob (for Margaret)i"last night the snow", Bill Tibbens , single work poetry (p. 34)
Tenosynovitisi"Work!", 'Thalia' , single work poetry (p. 34)
The Head Cataloguer Walks Her Dog, Jan Owen , single work poetry (p. 35)
In Tuscanyi"in the valley dusk comes", Norman Abjorensen , single work poetry (p. 35)
Learning the Rulesi"it's more than stance", Rory Harris , single work poetry (p. 35)
Kitchen Windowi"the the kitchen window has no blind", Bill Tibbens , single work poetry (p. 35)
Likei"like a flame tree", Bill Tibbens , single work poetry (p. 35)
The Potency of Craft, Martin Brakmanis , Span , single work review
— Review of Welou, My Brother Faith Bandler , 1984 single work novel ; Selected Poems 1971-1982 Pamela Brown , 1984 selected work poetry ; Mother's Day Leone Sperling , 1984 selected work novella ; She Moves Mountains Colleen Burke , 1984 selected work poetry ;
(p. 36-37)
Untitled, Martin Brakmanis , single work review
— Review of The Crack In the Crib Mike Ladd , 1984 selected work poetry ; The White Rose and the Bath Jenny Boult , 1984 single work poetry ;
(p. 37-38)
Untitled, Span , single work review
— Review of Lies no. 90 Peter Murphy , 1983 periodical issue poetry ;
(p. 38)
Untitled, A. H. Ball , single work review
— Review of The Quarrel with Ourselves and Confession John Scott , 1984 selected work poetry ;
(p. 38-39)
Untitled, Adam Dutkiewicz , single work review
— Review of Tooth and Claw Gabrielle Lord , 1983 single work novel ;
(p. 39-40)