y separately published work icon Australian Short Stories periodical issue  
Note: This issue was edited by students of the RMIT Diploma of Arts, Professional Writing and Editing course, Department of Creative Media.
Issue Details: First known date: 1996... no. 55 1996 of Australian Short Stories est. 1982 Australian Short Stories
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* Contents derived from the , 1996 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Sea Shells and Bottle Tops, Joy Dettman , single work short story (p. 7-18)
You Can Fry an Egg on That, Keri-Ann Van Rooy , single work short story (p. 19-21)
The Red Earth, M. P. French , single work short story (p. 22-26)
Public Notice, Fabienne Bayet , single work short story (p. 27-30)
The Release, Greg Bogaerts , single work short story (p. 31-44)
Shade, Stuart Luijerink , single work short story (p. 45-51)
Papa Montrose, Lachlann Stephens , single work short story (p. 53-58)
Bird, Megan Wynne-Jones , single work short story (p. 59-64)
Punch Drunk, Martin Lawrence , single work short story crime (p. 65-72)
The Village of Laughter and Tears, Peter Barry , single work short story (p. 73-83)
Red Dog Veal Bird, Chas Savage , single work short story (p. 84-91)