y separately published work icon The Ghost Names Sing : Poems selected work   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 The Ghost Names Sing : Poems
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* Contents derived from the South Fremantle, Fremantle area, South West Perth, Perth, Western Australia,:Fremantle Press , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Empty Roomi"The hours go past, the hands", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 9-10)
In the Lao Revolutionary Museum, Vientianei"Under the peeling, cobwebbed ceilings", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 11-13)
After Fifty Yearsi"I counted off the tattoos", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 14)
For Fanny Elizabeth Moorei"Why does it do this?", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 15-16)
In the 1950si"My short uncle", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 17-18)
The Mighty Westsi"Come out of duty, empty handed", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 19-23)
What Use Are the Humanities?i"Sunday looms like a day at the beach,", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 24)
The Mind of Godi"The fear of the iron, inhuman rod", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry
Includes references to Bertrand Russell and Friedrich Nietzsche.
(p. 25)
On Thinking about the Probable Re-election of Richard Courti"On lingering, unforced afternoons spring", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 26-27)
The Second Goingi"Squirming and squirming in the narrowing chair", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 28)
La Bocca, Easteri"Circumnavigated by cheerful buffetings,", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 29-30)
Romanticism in the 1990si"Yachts", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 31-32)
Circus Daysi"When holidays come", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 33-34)
Reality's Crowi"You stand years before I met you", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 35-36)
Sketched by Severn, 28 January 1821i"Clearly he has bent his back", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 37)
As you are, As we arei"To Piramide, the Laurentina line,", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 38-40)
Mt Vernon St, Glebei"Just early morning", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 41)
A Morning Dip (for Vivian Smith)i"I imagine the commune you might have joined,", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 42)
Flowersi"The arc of our mixed colour cars", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 43-44)
152 : Shanghai-Beijingi"I thought naturally, as we've been taught to,", Dennis Haskell , single work poetry (p. 45-46)