y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1988... vol. 48 no. 2 June 1988 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1988 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Some Versions of Australian Pastoral, Ivor Indyk , single work criticism (p. 115-127)
Growing Upi"Stayed with a friend once at her godfather's", Rosemary Dobson , single work poetry (p. 128)
Revelations, Janet Garrick , single work short story (p. 129-133)
She to Himi"Morning,", Margaret Diesendorf , single work poetry (p. 134)
He to Heri"Where am I now", Margaret Diesendorf , single work poetry (p. 134)
Two Queensi"I imagine them together", Margaret Diesendorf , single work poetry (p. 135)
Miro : Woman Struggling to Reach the Unattainablei"the mad single eye tells us:", Margaret Diesendorf , single work poetry (p. 136-137)
Shelter from the Holocaust : Thea Astley's 'An Item from the Late News', Roslynn D. Haynes , single work criticism (p. 138-151)
Deathwatchi"All night I sat by the body", Shane McCauley , single work poetry (p. 151)
Poetry Readingi"Words get glued to my ears", Shane McCauley , single work poetry (p. 152)
Visit to Friendsi"Lost out of rain, saturated", Shane McCauley , single work poetry (p. 153)
Apology to Eurydicei"If you can hear, don't by one gesture", Shane McCauley , single work poetry (p. 153-154)
Firefighteri"In this desperate smoke of evening", Shane McCauley , single work poetry (p. 154)
Being in Ireland, Rosemary Huisman , single work short story (p. 155-158)
Change of Shifts / Bullii"nestled in the dark green escarpment", Debbie Westbury , single work poetry (p. 159-160)
Bicentennial Follies : Howard Jacobson, Georges Perec and Margaret McClusky in the Land of Oz, A. P. Riemer , single work criticism (p. 161-175)
Taking Tea in the Suburbsi"old papers blow across the street", Mark Roberts , single work poetry (p. 176)
Armistice Day (from Breaking 1918/1919)i"Then, watch as rooks", Mark Roberts , single work poetry (p. 176)
New Yeari"Virginia begins", Mark Roberts , single work poetry (p. 177)
To See the Goat Races, Bruce Holmes , single work short story (p. 178-183)