y separately published work icon Australasian Chronicle newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1842... vol. 4 no. 475 22 November 1842 of The Australasian Chronicle est. 1839-1843 Australasian Chronicle
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* Contents derived from the , 1842 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Country Loversi"She - Where have you been all the day?", Charles Harpur , single work poetry (p. 1)

No. 6 in the Australian Lyrics author series.

Author's note: Note.--The plan of the above lyric was suggested by the old Scotch song with the first line of which it opens, but further than this line, and the terms laddie and lassie, the author has borrowed nothing (save the form), as may be seen by comparing the two pieces. A very imperfect copy of it found its way into a collection of songs published by Jones, of Bridge- street, some years ago, without any acknowledgment of the author. - C. H.

The Hermit No. 5 : The Resources of the Colony, 'The Hermit in New South Wales' , single work correspondence (p. 2)