y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1960... vol. 19 no. 2 June 1960 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 1960 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Journey, Peter Cowan , single work short story (p. 117-135)
The Short Stories of Peter Cowan, John Barnes , single work criticism (p. 136-146)
And Speak of Miraclesi"I had not sought a miracle,", David Malouf , single work poetry (p. 156)
The Roomi"Here where your arms are white,", R. A. Simpson , single work poetry (p. 156)
My Tongue is My Owni"When my life whether sound or rotten", Gwen Harwood , single work poetry (p. 158)
Cooney's Cutting, Paul Carroll , single work short story (p. 159-165)
The Goods Traini"Between", Griffith Wynne Watkins , single work poetry (p. 165)
Post Finem Mundii"When the deep silence falls at last upon", David Martin , single work poetry (p. 182-183)
The Goddess Returns : Lines to Alexander Popei"Yes, let my verse display your lucid name,", Alexander Craig , single work poetry (p. 183)
The Mind that Conceived On the Beach, David Martin , single work criticism biography (p. 193-200)
Pastoral Saga, Russel Ward , single work review
— Review of Kings in Grass Castles Mary Durack , 1959 single work biography ; February Dark : A Novel Anne von Bertouch , 1959 single work novel ;
(p. 211-215)
Pastoral Saga, Russel Ward , single work review
— Review of The Generations of Men Judith Wright , 1959 single work prose ;
(p. 211-215)
Untitled, T. Inglis Moore , single work review
— Review of Henry Kendall : A Critical Appreciation with Brief Chronology and a Bibliography Thomas Thornton Reed , 1960 single work criticism biography ;
(p. 218-219)
Trailer : Dark Thoughts in a Library, C. B. Christesen , single work column (p. 221-224)
The Glass Jari"A child one summer's evening soaked", Gwen Harwood , single work poetry (p. 252-253)
Lucky Jonah (for Ted)i"Cold comfort when the blue yawn of the sea", T. Harri Jones , single work poetry (p. 265-267)