y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1963... vol. 23 no. 1 1963 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1963 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Henry Handel Richardson : Some Uncollected Writings, G. A. W. , single work column biography (p. 6-7)
Some Notes on My Books, Henry Handel Richardson , single work criticism autobiography (p. 8-19)
[Notes on] "Two Studies" and "The End of a Childhood", Henry Handel Richardson , single work autobiography criticism (p. 19-20)
Sister Ann, Henry Handel Richardson , single work short story (p. 21-32)
Music Study in Leipzig, Henry Handel Richardson , single work autobiography (p. 33-39)
A Danish Poet, Henry Handel Richardson , single work criticism (p. 40-51)
Untitled, extract biography (p. 51)
The Coat, Henry Handel Richardson , single work short story (p. 53-61)
The Story of Wagner and von Bulow - and the Woman Behind Their Music, Henry Handel Richardson , single work prose
Richardson was commissioned by the editor of Radio Times (London) to write an article on Liszt. She proposed Cosima Wagner instead and the article was influential in her writing The Young Cosima. She wrote 'Cosima Wagner as Daughter and Wife', more indicative of the content than the published title, 'The Story of Wagner and von Bulow - and the Woman Behind Their Music' (The Young Cosima, Appendix 370).
(p. 62-67)
Censorship in Australia, Maurice Isaacs , single work review
— Review of Obscenity, Blasphemy, Sedition : Censorship in Australia Peter Coleman , 1961 single work criticism ;
(p. 68-71)