y separately published work icon Margin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1997... no. 42 July-August 1997 of Margin est. 1977 Margin
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* Contents derived from the , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Policy and Passion in Queensland : Rosa Praed and Politics, Beverley Kingston , single work criticism biography
Kingston discusses the models for the setting, characters and events in Rosa Praed's Policy and Passion and identifies themes such as psychic phenomena that Praed explored in later works.
(p. 2-12)
First Australian Born Writer for Children, Victor Crittenden , single work biography (p. 13-17)
The Literary Life, Robert Richardson , extract essay (p. 18-19)
Irish Australian Studies Conference, Frank Molloy , single work review
— Review of Irish-Australian Studies : Papers Delivered at the Ninth Irish-Australian Conference, Galway, April 1997 2000 anthology criticism non-fiction ;
(p. 30-31)
Aboriginal Poems Attacked : Eliza Dunlop Criticised, single work review
— Review of The Eagle Chief Eliza Hamilton Dunlop , 1842 single work lyric/song ;
(p. 32-34)
Who was Frank Hudson?, The Literary Detective , single work column (p. 35-36)
One Christmas Evei"I fell asleep, and came the mummers.", Frank Hudson , single work poetry (p. 36)
The Barr Smith Letters, single work review
— Review of Joanna and Robert : The Barr Smiths' Life in Letters, 1853-1919 Joanna Barr Smith , Robert Barr Smith , 1996 single work correspondence ;
(p. 39)
Adelaide's First Poet, single work review
— Review of Poems and Recollections of the Past Fidelia S. T. Hill , 1840 selected work poetry ;
(p. 40)