y separately published work icon Overland periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1990... no. 121 Summer 1990 of Overland est. 1954 Overland
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* Contents derived from the , 1990 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Meditation 5 : Rocks : In Memoriam Patrick Whitei"In my father's bed, digging", Thomas Shapcott , single work poetry (p. 3-5)
Untitled, David Marr , extract biography (p. 6-7)
Chorus and Protagonistsi"Over", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 7)
[Untitled] (from The Ancestor Game), Alex Miller , extract (p. 8-11)
At the Point, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 12-14)
Filthy Fable as Visionary Monster Novel, D. R. Burns , single work criticism (p. 15-20)
Coming and Goingi"How many pretty little women there are", Elizabeth Riddell , single work poetry (p. 21)
Notice of Proclamationi"Notice of proclamation, death to these plants.", Elizabeth Riddell , single work poetry (p. 21)
At the Conference : 1i"On the lined paper on the plastic blotter", Elizabeth Riddell , single work poetry (p. 22)
Today's Portraiti"The photograph on the front page of the paper", Elizabeth Riddell , single work poetry (p. 22)
Marki"wants to go to sea again", Neil Paech , single work poetry (p. 23)
Triflesi"Drama in the home:", Hilary Cohen , single work poetry (p. 24)
From the Airi"It is apparent from the air just how geometrical", Andrew Lansdown , single work poetry (p. 24)
Ballad of an Australian Thinkeri"When Stalin ruled in glory high", Hal Colebatch , single work poetry (p. 24)
Mrs Oakley at the Theatrei"Short circuiting the board room table,", Leon Slade , single work poetry (p. 25)
Tutoriali"The girl giving the Calvino paper", Kevin Murray , single work poetry (p. 25)
Five Meditations on the Landscapei"Just as one can perhaps tell that some pieces", John Anderson , single work poetry (p. 26-27)
Back to the Bay, Jean Kent , single work short story (p. 28-34)
On the Line [no.121, Summer 1990], Barrett Reid , single work criticism (p. 38-40)
D.H. Lawrence at Thirroul: A Reply to Andrew Moore, Joseph Davis , single work criticism (p. 44-45)