y separately published work icon Scripsi periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1993... vol. 8 no. 3 April 1993 of Scripsi est. 1981 Scripsi
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* Contents derived from the , 1993 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Dispensation (IM George)i"Who first leapt through the window to my knees", Bruce Beaver , single work poetry (p. 7-11)
The Loversi"Say that it is possible to love [live] without knowing why. The meanest may", Bruce Beaver , single work poetry (p. 12)
Earth and Fern-Softened Rock-Facei"The backyard of my cousin's place led onto a bushed over rock-", Bruce Beaver , single work poetry (p. 13-14)
Christina Stead: The Battleground of Life : September 1937 - September 1939, Hazel Rowley , single work criticism biography (p. 16-52)
Caretaker and Sole Custodian, Elizabeth Jolley , extract novel (p. 54-57)
Happy Paisaje Con un Pajaro or Painting in a Wren?i"Green whiskers curl across", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 239-240)
An Impression of Minimalist Art in the Late Twentieth Centuryi"A yellow", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 241-242)
A Green Eveningi"a million miles away from Lorca's", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 243)
As Ifi"As if it has drunk", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 244-245)
Best Lies...i"plead passionately", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 246-249)
Riding Circlesi"The moon", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 250-251)
With the Last of the Lighti"twenty metres up", J. S. Harry , single work poetry (p. 252-253)