y separately published work icon The Weekend Australian newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1990... 28-29 July 1990 of The Weekend Australian est. 1977 The Weekend Australian
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* Contents derived from the , 1990 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Foreword [28-29 July 1990], Elizabeth Swanson , single work criticism (p. rev 6)
Glittering Prizes Lose their Sparkle, Susan Chenery , single work criticism (p. rev 6)
Mood Musics of the Spiritual, Helen Daniel , single work review
— Review of The Kadaitcha Sung Sam Watson , 1990 single work novel ; Mood Indigo Mandy Sayer , 1990 single work novel ;
(p. rev 6)
Immortality : The Last Word on First Novels, Justin D'Ath , single work autobiography criticism (p. rev 7)
Crime File, Robin Wallace-Crabbe , single work review
— Review of Arlett's Death Heather Falkner , 1990 single work novel ; Dead Lucky Tom Howard , 1990 single work novel ;
(p. rev 7)
Literary London [28-29 July 1990], Michele Field , single work criticism (p. rev 8)
All Aboard for Changii"The official Sayonara starts next week", Bruce Dawe , single work poetry (p. rev 8)
Jekyll Journo as a Literary Hyde by Night, Penelope Nelson , single work criticism (p. rev 8)
Two Erotic Moon Poems : 1i"The full moon is still white as yet,", Jennifer Maiden , single work poetry (p. rev 9)
Two Erotic Moon Poems : 2i"The crescent moon cuts up a constellation.", Jennifer Maiden , single work poetry (p. rev 9)
In Radical Aboriginal Voice: Blacker is Better, Adam Shoemaker , single work review
— Review of Writing from the Fringe : A Study of Modern Aboriginal Literature Mudrooroo , 1990 single work criticism ;
(p. rev 9)
What's Gone Wrong with Williamson?, Frank Devine , single work criticism (p. rev 11)
How Much Can a Blinky Fan Bear?, D. D. McNicoll , single work criticism (p. rev 18)