y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1979... vol. 38 no. 3 Spring 1979 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 1979 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Problem, Anne Elder , single work short story (p. 275-280)
For The Record Feminist Publications in Australia Since 1975, Jill Matthews , Susan Higgins , single work criticism (p. 321-333)
The Poetry of Dobson, Harwood and Wright : 'Within the Bounds of Feminine Sensibility?', Jennifer Strauss , single work criticism biography (p. 334-349)
By Their Poems Ye Shall Know Them : Poemi"All I know about poetry is that it has", Sylvia Kantaris , single work poetry (p. 349)
Interview : Dorothy Hewett, Jim Davidson (interviewer), single work criticism biography (p. 350-367)
Since Betty Jumped, Theatre and Feminism in Melbourne, Suzanne Spunner , single work criticism (p. 368-377)
Sgt Major to Bn CO...i"Sgt Major to Bn CO on the 32nd anniversary", John Church , single work poetry (p. 378)
Bomb Scare, Glasgow Station : Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgowi"Ambulance sirens", Jamie Grant , single work poetry (p. 379)
Breaking it Offi"The last postcard you sent me dripped in blood:", Philip Neilsen , single work poetry (p. 380)
Reveille for a Dallying Convalescenti"GET, GET, GET, said the bird", Barbara Giles , single work poetry (p. 381)
Jeune Fille a Bicyclettei"There's a filet in the oven,", Brian Dibble , single work poetry (p. 382)
Tell Me Visions Onlyi"He stands with his gun drawn;", Andrew Spiker , single work poetry (p. 383)
Stonehenge: New England Highwayi"Whales wallowing; some", Frances Rouse , single work poetry (p. 384)
Stirreri"Miriam in skinny grey", Joyce Lee , single work poetry (p. 385)
The Longest War, Brian Matthews , single work autobiography (p. 386-399)