y separately published work icon Australian Studies periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1992... no. 6 November 1992 of Australian Studies est. 1988 Australian Studies
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* Contents derived from the , 1992 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
White and the Wart, Ruth Brown , single work criticism (p. 1-9)
Struggle for a Black Aesthetic : Critical Theory in Contemporary Aboriginal Australia, Emmanuel S. Nelson , single work criticism (p. 29-37)
`Cultural Correspondence': Frank Moorhouse's "Forty-Seventeen", Peter Quartermaine , single work criticism (p. 60-67)
Travellers' Tales, Gay Raines , single work criticism (p. 68-80)
Untitled, Anne Collett , single work review
— Review of John Shaw Neilson : Poetry, Autobiography and Correspondence John Shaw Neilson , 1991 selected work poetry autobiography correspondence extract ;
(p. 113-115)
Untitled, Rex Davis , single work review
— Review of Inside Outside : Life Between Two Worlds A. P. Riemer , 1992 single work autobiography ;
(p. 124-126)
Untitled, Katherine Gallagher , single work review
— Review of Inner Cities : Australian Women's Memory of Place 1989 anthology poetry short story prose biography ; Moments of Desire : Sex and Sensuality by Australian Feminist Writers 1989 anthology poetry short story ;
(p. 136-139)
Re-Charting the Globe, Helena Smith , single work review
— Review of The Road from Coorain Jill Ker Conway , 1989 single work autobiography ; My Place Sally Morgan , 1987 single work autobiography ;
(p. 140-142)
Untitled, David Callahan , single work review
— Review of Glass Reptile Breakout and Other Australian Speculative Stories 1990 anthology short story ; Selected Poems Geoff Page , 1991 selected work poetry ;
(p. 142-145)
[Review] A Body of Water [et al], Gay Raines , single work review
— Review of A Body of Water : A Year's Notebook Beverley Farmer , 1990 selected work autobiography short story poetry diary ; The Country Without Music Nicholas Hasluck , 1990 single work novel ; Longhand : A Writer's Notebook Murray Bail , 1989 single work autobiography novel ; Master of the Ghost Dreaming Mudrooroo , 1991 single work novel ; Cloudstreet Tim Winton , 1991 single work novel ; Lateshows Frank Moorhouse , 1990 selected work prose ; Velvet Waters Gerald Murnane , 1990 selected work short story ; The Harbour Breathes Anna Couani , 1989 selected work prose poetry ;
(p. 145-151)