y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1998... vol. 57 no. 2 1998 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 1998 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Land Girls, Gayla Reid , single work short story (p. 232-251)
Membranesi"A voice, almost a voice, in the wee hours", Kevin Hart , single work poetry (p. 268-271)
Hollywell (To the Memory of John Forbes)i"I did say yes", Tracy Ryan , single work poetry (p. 272-274)
Western Districti"They are burning off the paddocks.", Chris Wallace-Crabbe , single work poetry (p. 275)
Assignationsi"Doors of old hallways creak in the branches", Craig Sherborne , single work poetry (p. 276)
Dematerialising the Poisoned Pastorali"With the time lapse, the upturned echidna writhes,", John Kinsella , single work poetry (p. 277)
Self-Portrait in Non Sequitursi"Whose damn birthday are we celebrating anyway?", Peter Rose , single work poetry (p. 318)
Whitei"the painter", Deborah Staines , single work poetry (p. 319)
Domestic Mystery [Number] 1i"A portable hunger", Mike Ladd , single work poetry (p. 320)
Songlinesi"The rendezvous--did I miss it? I hear a lonesome", John Tranter , single work poetry (p. 322-323)
Saying Goodbye is Dying a Little, Guillermo Nino De Guzman , Kylie Ritchie , single work short story (p. 324-333)
Waterbabies, Lisa Gerlach , single work short story (p. 334-340)
Untitled Monologue, Daniel Keene , single work drama (p. 341-350)
Pity, Terror and Admiration, Anne Waldron Neumann , single work review
— Review of Snake Cradle Roberta Sykes , 1997 single work autobiography ;
(p. 372-379)
Mutant Proverbs Revisitedi"Live? Our savants will do that for us.", Peter Porter , single work poetry (p. 390)
Page Ragei"The writer who has turned remorse to habit", Peter Porter , single work poetry (p. 391-392)
How I Became a Revolutionary of Koi"At first I was more Greek with statues. Rimsky-Korsakov", Lucy Wilks , single work poetry (p. 393)
Hammeri"in my town in my little town there is a square there was a sqa sque", Ania Walwicz , single work poetry (p. 394-395)
Mutable Identity and the Postmodern, Garry Kinnane , single work criticism (p. 405-417)
Aristotle's Silverfish, Sally Morrison , single work short story (p. 418-423)