y separately published work icon Australian Studies periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1990... no. 4 December 1990 of Australian Studies est. 1988 Australian Studies
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* Contents derived from the , 1990 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Landscape and Identity in Judith Wright's Poetry : An Introduction, Jennifer Bridge , single work criticism biography (p. 1-19)
Peter Carey's Oscar and Lucinda and the Subversion of Subversion, David Callahan , single work criticism (p. 20-26)
Consuming Theatre: Linguistic Colonialism in Thomas Keneally's "The Playmaker", Sally Dawson , single work criticism (p. 27-34)
Les Murray Interviewed by Peter Porter, Peter Porter (interviewer), single work interview biography (p. 77-87)
Forms of Historical Narrative, Gay Raines , single work criticism (p. 105-112)
Is He a Camera? Keneally's 'A Family Madness', Andrew Gurr , single work criticism (p. 113-121)
Untitled, Andrew Gurr , single work review
— Review of Captivity Captive Rodney Hall , 1988 single work novel ; The Rose Fancier Olga Masters , 1988 selected work short story ; The Invaluable Mystery Lesbia Harford , 1987 single work novel ;
(p. 127-129)
"My Place" and the Healing Art of Autobiography, Robin Dizard , single work review
— Review of My Place Sally Morgan , 1987 single work autobiography ;
(p. 134-139)
Untitled, C. L. Innes , single work review
— Review of Ask Me Fay Zwicky , 1990 selected work poetry ;
(p. 157-159)
Endnote: Overland and Stephen Murray-Smith, Katherine Gallagher , single work obituary (p. 160-162)