y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1972... vol. 32 no. 2 June 1972 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1972 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Contemporary Australian Poetry : The Context, Jim Tulip , single work criticism (p. 83-99)
Argive Poeti"I speak of Lykeas, poet, and antiquary of Argos", Rosemary Dobson , single work poetry (p. 100)
Party [Number] 3, Ian Waldron , single work short story (p. 101-104)
Long Jumperi"He fidgets at the end of his runway", Andrew McDonald , single work poetry (p. 104)
The Countess of Pembroke's Dream, A. D. Hope , single work poetry (p. 105-116)
The Countess of Pembroke's Dream : The Countess of Pembroke's Dreami"She was a great lady and wiser than men knew.", A. D. Hope , single work poetry (p. 106-108)
The Countess of Pembroke's Dream : The Dreami"Where are you, Light? Where, where", A. D. Hope , single work poetry (p. 108-112)
The Countess of Pembroke's Dream : The Dream Within the Dreami"Above the woods, fronting a little plain,", A. D. Hope , single work poetry (p. 112-116)
Shaw Neilson's Originality, John F. Burrows , single work criticism
Burrows traces the development of John Shaw Neilson's poetry and challenges A. R. Chisholm's argument that an editor need not present the poems chronologically. After demonstrating the variation from manuscript versions caused by editorial intervention, Burrows calls for a more complete edition of John Shaw Neilson's poetry (in chronological order) to support further analysis.
(p. 118-144)
Turning the Radio Downi"I walk out again in a poem to the night breeze", Robert Adamson , single work poetry (p. 145)
Masqueradei"I'd read the Magic Pudding until he slept.", Leon Slade , single work poetry (p. 145)
A Bit of Ginger, Gwen Kelly , single work short story (p. 146-154)
Evening into Nighti"There is little to recommend this light", R. A. Simpson , single work poetry (p. 154)
Commonwealth Literary Fund [and] Other Awards, single work column (p. 155-156) Section: Australian Literature : Notes
Literary Prizes, single work column (p. 156-157) Section: Australian Literature : Notes
Correspondence, Robert D. FitzGerald , single work correspondence (p. 158)