y separately published work icon Australian Author periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1969... vol. 1 no. 4 1969 of Australian Author est. 1969 Australian Author
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* Contents derived from the , 1969 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Novelist's Poison, Thomas Keneally , single work criticism

''What is the best way to read a book? The first answer is: twice!' So run the opening sentences of a Victorian Adult Education Board bulletin issued this year. They are blatantly characteristic of the cloud-cuckoo territory in which the novel is studied by children, undergraduates, intellectuals and discussion-groups, And, if such poisonous nonsense were restricted merely to such groups, the result would be nothing more than a startling waste of time. It is when the novelist himself becomes influenced by changes rung upon such data that the results can be most dangerous.' (Introduction)   

(p. 3-6)
Payments for Poets, A. D. Hope , single work (p. 7-9)
The Writer in the Theatre, Mona Brand , single work (p. 15-19)
The Poet in the University, Evan Jones , single work (p. 21-25)
Censorship and the Publisher, Owen Webster , single work (p. 30-35)
Distant Fields, H. H. Wilson , single work (p. 36-38)
Letter, Guy E. Moore , single work correspondence (p. 44-45)