Issue Details: First known date: 1981... vol. 101 no. 5294 22-29 December 1981 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin (Literary Supplement)
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* Contents derived from the , 1981 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Injections, David Ireland , single work short story (p. 172-177)
Dead Heati"High: 38 [degrees].", Jeri Kroll , single work poetry (p. 173)
You Can Dine Out Forever (from The Nightmarkets : A Novel), Alan Wearne , extract novel (p. 174-175)
The Call of the Magpies, Robin Sheiner , single work short story (p. 178-180)
Pheromesi"You smell just like your father:", Robin Lucas , single work poetry (p. 179)
Tea Treei"Tea tree beauty's what I have:", Robin Lucas , single work poetry (p. 179)
The Truth About Oscar, Yvonne Rousseau , single work short story science fiction (p. 181-183)
No Place Like Homei"The aircraft dropped its bomb and made thru' cloud", J. S. Manifold , single work poetry (p. 186)
In the Music-Listening Centrei"How,", Graeme Keir , single work poetry (p. 187)
Midnight Encounteri"Like two fat possums at midnight", Thomas Shapcott , single work poetry (p. 188)
The Bleating Tree-Frogi"The bleating tree-frogs, scientists say", Keith Garvey , single work poetry (p. 190)
Thousan' Miles from Nowhere, David Foster , single work short story (p. 191)
Late Summer, Dal Stivens , single work short story (p. 194-195)
From the Bottom of the Range, the Viewi"In the great drifting galleons of the Moreton Bay figs", Jean Kent , single work poetry (p. 195)
When Writers Relax : Frank Moorhouse, Frank Moorhouse , single work biography humour (p. 196-198)
When Writers Relax : Tony Morphett, Tony Morphett , single work biography (p. 199-200)
Getting Away, Kenneth Gaunt , single work short story (p. 200-201)
Was Running Late Myselfi"Did I drive off badly", Jane Zageris , single work poetry (p. 201)
Sea Shells Sea Shellsi"Though all this", Jane Zageris , single work poetry (p. 201)
Happy Christmas! : Colin Thiele, Colin Thiele , single work biography (p. 204-205)