y separately published work icon Quadrant periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1979... vol. 23 no. 11 November 1979 of Quadrant est. 1957 Quadrant
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* Contents derived from the , 1979 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Novels of Elizabeth Harrower, Robyn Claremont , single work criticism
'The most recent study at any length of Elizabeth Harrower's work is found in R.G. Geering's Recent Fiction (Austrahan Writers and their work), O.U.P., Melbourne, 1974. In explaining the choice of writers for consideration - Stow, Kenneally, Harrower and Hazzard - he speaks of them as 'a small group of novelists of a younger generation, who already have a substantial body of work to their credit that deserves more than cursory treatment and who might be expected to add to their reputations in the years to come' (p.3). Unexceptionable as this judgment is, and important though the fact of this study might be, it still leaves unexamined several significant areas of her work.' (Publication abstract)
(p. 16-21)
By Passenger Jet to Asiai"I have to confess to my alter ego, I", John Blight , single work poetry (p. 47)
The Mask Maker (for Marcel Marceau)i"And so you shaped, in shared imagination,", Mark Scrivener , single work poetry (p. 47)
Mantua Bore Me... Tomb at Naplesi"Mantua bore me; Calabria tore me;", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 48)
Homer's Grave, Iosi"A barren island, said the guide. I looked:", Mark O'Connor , single work poetry (p. 48)
The Greyhoundi"It's an impractical animal", Leon Slade , single work poetry (p. 48)
Drinking with Friends (for Brian Buckley)i"We used to sit up until three or four", Evan Jones , single work poetry (p. 48)
Storyi"I must tell the story of my life--", Andrew Taylor , single work poetry (p. 60)
Suburbs, Nicholas Hasluck , extract novel (p. 63-65)
Skyi"It will begin so", Gary Catalano , single work poetry (p. 65)