y separately published work icon Southerly periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1946... vol. 7 no. 1 1946 of Southerly est. 1939 Southerly
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* Contents derived from the , 1946 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
To the Reader, R. G. Howarth , single work column (p. 2)
The Spider, Keith Free , single work short story (p. 3-9)
Jack Reeversi"Jack Reevers went home after many angers", Barrett Reid , single work poetry (p. 10-13)
Beware the Cuckooi"Beware the cuckoo, though she bring", Ernest G. Moll , single work poetry (p. 13)
"Orion" Horne, 1869, George Gordon McCrae , single work biography (p. 14-17)
Carol for a Godless Peoplei"He who laid aside His power", Donovan Clarke , single work poetry (p. 17)
The Dredgei"Donne, shut up in his shroud,", L. H. Allen , single work poetry (p. 18-20)
The Childi"To be alone in a strange place in spring", Judith Wright , single work poetry (p. 20)
Jake Hadley, Marjorie Robertson , single work short story (p. 21-29)
Ruin Ridge : A Note on the Poem Sequence, Donovan Clarke , single work column (p. 30)
Ruin Ridge : Part IIi"A nightmare steed, the Carrier manoeuvred", Donovan Clarke , single work poetry (p. 30-34)
Two Radio Plays, R. G. H. , single work review
— Review of The Fire on the Snow Douglas Stewart , 1941 single work radio play ; The Golden Lover Douglas Stewart , 1942 single work radio play ; The Fire on the Snow and The Golden Lover : Two Plays for Radio Douglas Stewart , 1944 selected work radio play ;
(p. 38-42)
Men Who Have Come Through, T. Inglis Moore , single work review
— Review of A Soldier's Miscellany Eric Irvin , 1945 selected work poetry ; Blue Prints and Other Verses Donovan Clarke , 1942 selected work poetry ; Poems of War and Peace Maurice Biggs , 1945 selected work poetry ;
(p. 42-45)
Promise and Disappointment, Thelma Herring , single work review
— Review of Queensland Days : Poems Edith Mary England , 1944 selected work poetry ; Selected Poems Andrew White , 1944 selected work poetry ; Poems Emily Bulcock , 1944 selected work poetry ;
(p. 45-47)
The Spur of War, Arthur Murphy , single work review
— Review of Poets at War : An Anthology of Verse by Australian Servicemen 1944 anthology poetry ;
(p. 47-49)
Stories of 1944, R. H. Morrison , single work review
— Review of Coast to Coast : Australian Stories 1944 1945 periodical issue short story ;
(p. 49-50)
A Singer of Life and Joy, C. J. H. O'Brien , single work review
— Review of Voice of the Forest : Poems Hugh McCrae , 1945 selected work poetry ;
(p. 51-52)
[Untitled] [Southerly, vol.7 no.1 1946], Martin Haley , single work correspondence (p. 55)
[Untitled] [Southerly, vol.7 no.1 1946], C. B. Christesen , single work correspondence (p. 55-56)
Notes [Southerly, vol.7 no.1 1946], single work column (p. 57)