y separately published work icon The Bulletin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1895... vol. 16 no. 811 31 August 1895 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin
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* Contents derived from the , 1895 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
When the Bailiff Brings a Warrant i"You'll think selecting pleasant when you tackle it at first,", 'Steele Rudd' , single work poetry (p. 3)
The Township Lightsi"With laughter and love-spells and witch eyes of blue", Glenrowan , single work poetry (p. 3)
Words By a Digger : Music Supplied by a Dry-Blowing Machine.i"By Coolgardie's stinks and smells,", single work poetry (p. 7)
Untitledi"We are waiting, we are waiting for the happy day to come,", single work poetry (p. 11)
Heart-Shadows i"The world is wondrous gay,", Antony , single work poetry (p. 11)
Untitledi"Already it is plain to see", single work poetry (p. 13)
Warrimoo i"Out on the banks of the Warrimoo,", Abbie , single work poetry (p. 18)
In the Bush , Henry Fletcher , single work short story (p. 27)
"Hard Luck", R. S. Allen , single work short story (p. 27)
At Sea , Moyabba , single work short story (p. 28)
The Vagabondi"White handkerchiefs wave from the short black pier", Henry Lawson , single work poetry (p. 28)