y separately published work icon The Bulletin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1950... vol. 71 no. 3672 28 June 1950 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin
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* Contents derived from the , 1950 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
To a Childi"When I was a child I saw", Judith Wright , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Ball of Firei"Blue-eyed Billy is pink and stout,", John Fountain , single work poetry (p. 4)
The Battle of the Stump, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story humour (p. 4)
A Famous Victoryi"It was a winter evening;", Swilliam , single work poetry satire (p. 10)
Most Unfriendlyi"The days are long gone when a man", S. W. K. , single work poetry humour (p. 11)
The Two Banksiasi"`Roses will flourish here,' they said.", Myra Morris , single work poetry (p. 12)
Sparrows on the Spoutingi"I wonder what the sparrows say", James Hackston , single work poetry (p. 13)
Night Train to Capertee, Charles Shaw , single work short story (p. 22,32)
Apres-Midii"You keep on underneath the broken shade", David Rowbotham , single work poetry (p. 22)
Something Cookingi"The lot of man was bad enough", Bert , single work poetry humour (p. 28)
Per Ardua -, Bo , single work short story satire (p. 28)
Commissioned Portraiti"He said he'd have his hand upon his sword,", Rosemary Dobson , single work poetry (p. 32)