y separately published work icon The Bulletin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1912... vol. 33 no. 1695 8 August 1912 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin
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* Contents derived from the , 1912 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The Proud Geniusi"There is a splendid genius to whom I bow the knee;", Fugitive Scribbler , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Epitaphi"Underneath this stone I give", Hubert Church , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Mount Egmonti"What temple shall I enter at thy feet,", Hubert Church , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
"Who May Condemn?"i"What shall a man condemn,", Hubert Church , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Hubert Church, single work review
— Review of Poems Hubert Church , 1904 selected work poetry ;
(p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Untitled, single work review
— Review of The Time is Not Yet Ripe : A Comedy in Four Acts Louis Esson , 1912 single work drama ;
(p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Spring, and Elizabethi"Coy Spring's delicious breath", Frank Morton , single work poetry (p. 5)
The Black Nuni"With eyes aloof and sombre,", Alice Gore-Jones , single work poetry (p. 5)
The Bortherhood of Beeri"Wide o'er the world they wander,", Curse O'Moses , single work poetry (p. 5)
The Power of Oratoryi"We do not speak to you alone", Mary McCommonwealth , single work poetry (p. 9)
Ills of the Fleshi"A fat girls' deputation went", Silas Snell , single work poetry humour (p. 11)
"The Girl Who Knew a Bit"i"Lucy's starving in the slums;", Harrison O , single work poetry humour (p. 11)
The Lamentationi"Britain condoled, and bitter was her flow", O.K. , single work poetry (p. 12)
The City of Canberra-Blarneyi"'Twas Misther Fitzgerald", Clarence O'Hagan , single work poetry humour (p. 13)
A Royal Humoristi"All ye who dearly love a jest", Harrison Owen , single work poetry humour (p. 13)
At Piker's Pubi"Over the great grey desert's waste the leering red moon hung;", R. J. Cassidy , single work poetry humour (p. 15)
Billingsgate Grown Politei"The world is changing ev'ry day,", F.B. , single work poetry (p. 16)
The Nightmarei"A nightmare came to me in sleep,", Rimu , single work poetry (p. 18)
Admiral Mythi""Old Spruce" is a-growlin' and kickin' upstairs!", A. B. John Stomach , single work poetry humour (p. 18)
The Waters of Babble-On!i"By the waters of Babble-On we sat down and wept,", An Infuriated Prophet , single work poetry (p. 26)