y separately published work icon The Bulletin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1911... vol. 32 no. 1630 11 May 1911 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin
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* Contents derived from the , 1911 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Impression de Nuiti"We watched Night loose her dusky hair", F. S. Burnell , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
In a Gardeni"What more tender", Hamilton Wood , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Opal-Hearted Verses, single work review
— Review of The Closed Door and Other Verses Dorothea Mackellar , 1911 selected work poetry ;
(p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Faithi"Sweetheart, why trouble to disturb", Hamer , single work poetry (p. 3)
The Surf-Calli"A glorious morn for a bathe!", W. M. Whitney , single work poetry (p. 3)
Luck!i"The ribbon on Aurora's camisole", Mary McCommonwealth , single work poetry (p. 3)
My Ladyi"A chill, plain circlet of eternal gold", David McKee Wright , single work poetry (p. 3)
His Pricei"The actor thin, with beetling brow,", 'Stargazer' , single work poetry (p. 9)
Where Honor's Duei"The play was quite a clever one;", Silas Snell , single work poetry humour (p. 9)
The Joy Ridei"Whizzin' down a hill-side,", Narranghi Boori , single work poetry (p. 10)
Sad!i"I know a river where a willow dips", Seebee , single work poetry humour (p. 11)
Hans and Gretcheni"Mein lieber matchen, cease to woo,", Hans Blaubottel , single work poetry humour (p. 13)
The Lost Youthi"I have a friend who likes to tell,", Hamer , single work poetry (p. 14)
Eureka!i"When the grey campaigners gather just outside the Gates of Gold,", P. Flam , single work poetry (p. 16)
For Australiai"This is a song of free cigars, of free drinks, long and short,", Frank Henty , single work poetry (p. 24)
Trouserettesi"The hawker came to Hogan's door,", Silas Snell , single work poetry humour (p. 32)
His Neighbour's Roadi"St. Peter oped his gate on wintry morn", F. Born , single work poetry (p. 36)
Fraudsi"When the Prehistoric Man tried to benefit his clan -", Grant Madison Hervey , single work poetry (p. 43)
A Chinese Whale, Albert Dorrington , single work short story (p. 43-44)
Ringy Ringy Rosyi""Ringy ringy rosy," the morning skies are blue,", E. J. Brady , single work poetry (p. 44)