y separately published work icon Overland periodical issue   peer reviewed assertion
Issue Details: First known date: 1986... no. 102 April 1986 of Overland est. 1954 Overland
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* Contents derived from the , 1986 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Pick-and-Shovel Hero, Peter Skrzynecki , single work short story (p. 2-5)
The Fall of Fortress Criticism, Robert Darby , single work criticism (p. 6-15)
Mango / Go Man Goi"[concrete poem]", Ruth Cowen , single work poetry humour (p. 26)
Uluru October 1985i"Now we can live a shared commonality", Connie Barber , single work poetry (p. 27)
Sea Slugi"Dirty, broken down", Bill Fewer , single work poetry (p. 27)
The Murrayi"The river lies where it fell.", R. H. Morrison , single work poetry (p. 27)
The Poetsi"The grizzled poet and the dark-browed poet", Elizabeth Riddell , single work poetry satire (p. 27)
The Smithfield Railway Stationi"A long corridor of moving pictures", Jeff Guess , single work poetry (p. 28)
Great Grandfather Bluecoati"To the demon which hisses `expatriate': no.", Robert Harris , single work poetry (p. 28)
One Day Outi"I'm one loaded chamber", Eric Beach , single work poetry (p. 29)
Movable Feastsi"Night closes down on the city above the waters,", Conal Fitzpatrick , single work poetry (p. 29)
The Other Side of Footscrayi"footscray, footscray, footscray.", Komninos Zervos , single work poetry (p. 30)
Great Redeeming Actions in the Life of a Luckless Wonderi"One night, one man took a woman all the way home.", Neil Murray , single work poetry satire (p. 30)
Predilectioni"It had always been Jack's habit", Barney Roberts , single work poetry humour (p. 30)
Checking the Boundary (for The Kinsman)i"So many times I have been here", Barrie B. Woolston , single work poetry (p. 31)
Moscow Visiti"I came to Moscow to ensure that Mayakovsky's dead,", Peter Lugg , single work poetry (p. 31)
Windowsi"But for the sun there is no", Joyce Parkes , single work poetry (p. 31)
The Story of Overland, John Sendy , single work criticism (p. 35-42)
The New Heresy Hunters, Christopher Koch , single work criticism (p. 43-48)
Notes from Murder Mountain, Kylie Tennant , single work biography (p. 47-48)