y separately published work icon Meanjin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1985... vol. 44 no. 4 Summer 1985 of Meanjin est. 1940 Meanjin
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* Contents derived from the , 1985 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Martin, Chris Mansell , single work short story (p. 427-430)
A.A. Phillips, 1900-1985, G. S. , single work obituary (p. 431)
C.J. Koch's Two-Faced Vision, Susan McKernan , single work criticism (p. 432-439)
(For Catriona)i"The sensitive newsreader cries in Ethiopia", Gig Ryan , single work poetry (p. 443)
The Killing Fields, Nominatedi"The journo heroically watches the bomber planes dive", Gig Ryan , single work poetry (p. 443)
Life-bloodi"igloo", David P. Reiter , single work poetry (p. 444-445)
Poetry : The Melbourne Alternative, Michael Sharkey , single work review
— Review of Off the Record 1985 anthology poetry ; The Best of the Ear : The Ear in a Wheatfield, 1973-76 : A Portrait of a Magazine 1985 anthology poetry short story extract prose ;
'In the 1970's, those living in the country outside Melbourne interested in poetry would occasionally hear of the antics of Melbourne writers taking their work public in interesting ways. Most of the news about them was sporadic, since their publications were generally small-press leaflets, broad-sheets. private magazines, and manifestos - often directed against each other, making what seemed like extravagant claims to constitute the real 'New' poetry, Or the most valid poetry for popular consumption. A degree of scepticism greeted their editorials and statements in those benighted places outside Carl-ton. Richmond. and St Kilda.' (Introduction)
(p. 446-451)
Coming Home After the Party : Overland's First Decade, David Carter , single work criticism (p. 462-476)
Port Scylla, Patrick Rogers , single work short story (p. 491-505)
Feminist Writings, Feminist Readings : Recent Australian Writing by Women, Kerryn Goldsworthy , single work criticism (p. 506-515)
Rosa Cappiello's 'Oh Lucky Country' : Multicultural Reading Strategies, Sneja Gunew , single work criticism (p. 517-528)
Beliefi"I remember Richard Simpson,", John Foulcher , single work poetry (p. 530-531)
Easter Sundayi"The morning", Jeff Guess , single work poetry (p. 532-533)
Means of Productioni"Like a walking footnote to amuse or", S. K. Kelen , single work poetry (p. 533)
The Partyi"he'd ask a Greek myth or two ask Faust to come along Wagner too", Pete Spence , single work poetry (p. 534)