y separately published work icon Imago : New Writing periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1995... vol. 7 no. 3 Summer 1995 of Imago est. 1989 Imago : New Writing
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* Contents derived from the , 1995 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Birdwatching at Coledalei"Magpies, crows, currawongs;", Debbie Westbury , single work poetry (p. 1)
Two Tailsi"Hot dog menu", Debbie Westbury , single work poetry (p. 2)
Note: (Milton Pizza and Hotdog)
The Start of Something Good, David P. Reiter , single work short story (p. 3-14)
Fin de Sieclei"Holding a bouquet of deep-blue violets, he rose to the position", Philip Hammial , single work poetry (p. 15-16)
Darwin Revisitedi"The breasts of the topless beach bunny are artificial. They're", Philip Hammial , single work poetry (p. 16)
God in a Bird Bath, Joy Kilian , single work short story (p. 17-21)
Sunset Over the Cathedrali"Believe it that they wait each afternoon", Jill Jones , single work poetry (p. 22)
15 Edmondstone Street : A Childhood Memoir: with Salute to David Malouf, Barbara Blackman , single work biography (p. 23-35)
Returning to Bickley Reservoir Pending its Re-Introduction into Perth's Mains Water Supply ( for R.A.)i"Time's confidence ripples", John Kinsella , single work poetry (p. 36-37)
Bridging the Gap: The Gaffi"When he went north", John Kinsella , single work poetry (p. 38-39)
Sunflower Child, Lau Siew Mei , single work short story (p. 40-44)
Fishing with her Fatheri"She didn't come.", Alan Close , single work poetry (p. 45-46)
Wreck on the Autobahn, Jane Downing , single work short story (p. 47-50)
Death in Another's Landscape, Peter Boyle , single work short story (p. 51-52)
The Chill...Peredelkino 1960 (for Pasternak-Slater, 'My Sister Life')i"And time itself gets on with the waiting.", Stefanie Bennett , single work poetry (p. 53)
Open Access? Geoffrey Dutton's 'Out in the Open' and Contemporary Autobiography, Laurie Hergenhan , single work criticism (p. 54-65)
Night Camp, Wolfgang Wirf , single work short story (p. 67-75)
Dear Sarahi"Dear Sarah", Sarah Endacott , single work poetry (p. 76-77)
Who Speaks for Whom? : Mikhail Bakhtin and the Idea of Chronotopic Nature of Speaking and Listening, Subhash Jaireth , single work criticism (p. 78-83)
Talking to; Talking About; or Talking for? Enunciative Politics for Non-Aboriginal Literary Critics, Jo Robertson , single work criticism (p. 84-92)