y separately published work icon The Age newspaper issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 2000... 2 September 2000 of The Age est. 1854 The Age
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* Contents derived from the , 2000 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
In the Gutter, Louis Nowra , single work autobiography (p. 4) Section: Saturday Extra
Hope Springs Eternal, A. M. McCulloch , single work criticism (p. 6) Section: Saturday Extra
Outside Edge, Jane Sullivan , single work criticism biography (p. 7) Section: Saturday Extra
Profit and Lossi"the house is unrequited", Patricia Sykes , single work poetry (p. 8) Section: Saturday Extra
Paperbacks, Fiona Capp , single work review
— Review of The Model : Selected Writings of Kenneth Seaforth Mackenzie Kenneth Mackenzie , 2000 selected work short story poetry biography criticism extract ;
(p. 8) Section: Saturday Extra
Hard to Get a Handel On, Brenda Niall , single work review
— Review of Henry Handel Richardson : The Letters Henry Handel Richardson , 2000 selected work biography correspondence ;
(p. 8) Section: Saturday Extra
Shelflife : Premier Presentation, Jason Steger , single work column (p. 9) Section: Saturday Extra