y separately published work icon The Bulletin periodical issue  
Issue Details: First known date: 1946... vol. 67 no. 3470 14 August 1946 of The Bulletin est. 1880 The Bulletin
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* Contents derived from the , 1946 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
To an Old Woman, Tattingi"You, who have known the flood and ebbing tide,", Val Vallis , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Songi"Over the walls the wet wind streamed,", A. Lester McIntyre , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
A Robini"The vast cold silver sky", Douglas Stewart , single work poetry (p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Wanchai, The Eye and the Ear, single work review
— Review of Lost Haven Kylie Tennant , 1946 single work novel ;
(p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Experimental Stories, single work review
— Review of The Courtship of Uncle Henry : A Collection of Tales and Stories Dal Stivens , 1946 selected work short story ;
(p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Sea and Thistledown, single work review
— Review of The Unceasing Ground : Poems William Hart-Smith , 1946 selected work poetry ;
(p. 2) Section: The Red Page
Recollections of the Gippsland Bushfires During the Mid-Ninetiesi"Settlers and farmers", Bellerive , single work poetry (p. 5)
Untitledi"I'm a weary Casanova", John F. , single work poetry humour (p. 5)
Untitledi"Swaggie Sam got roaring drunk", C.S. , single work poetry humour (p. 5)
The Psychologists, E. O. Schlunke , single work short story (p. 7)
The Devil and the Angel : The Cartographeri"We climbed some stairs to reach the topmost tower", Rosemary Dobson , single work poetry (p. 7)
The Borderlineri"The coming elections, it's true, may provide", T. the R. , single work poetry humour (p. 16)
Relaxations of the Greati"There are, you may have realised, no end", Midford , single work poetry humour (p. 17)
Dawson's Daughtersi"Oombabeer was a run forbidden", Lex McLennan , single work poetry (p. 28)
The Ti-Tree is Flowering Againi"No late frost, powdered and dusted", Kathleen Dalziel , single work poetry (p. 29)
Vindicationi"The stuff the average rag dispenses", P. M. Lusk , single work poetry humour (p. 33)
Perversityi""You blood-sucking blaggard!" yelled Martha O'Grady", T. W. Nathan , single work poetry (p. 33)
Dictation Test, Plum , single work short story humour (p. 33)
Another Art Exhibition, Bo , single work short story satire (p. 33)