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y separately published work icon Born of the Conquerors : Selected Essays selected work   prose   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 1991... 1991 Born of the Conquerors : Selected Essays
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* Contents derived from the Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:Aboriginal Studies Press , 1991 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Creating a New Dreamtime Moongalba, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 3-9)
Bond With the Land, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 13-14)
Wilderness, Waste and History, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 17-25)
The Broken Links, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 29-30)
Towards the Bicentennial Landscape, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 33-43)
Whose Country is It Anyway?, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 47-49)
Aborigines and Government The Weight of the Past, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 53-55)
Aborigines and Mining, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 59-63)
Aborigines and the Pastoral Industry, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 67-70)
`Our Story Is in the Land', Judith Wright , single work review
— Review of Kakadu Man : Bill Neidjie Bill Neidjie , Stephen Davis , Allan Fox , 1985 selected work prose biography poetry ;
(p. 73-74)
The Landless Peoples and Their Right to Land, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 77-81)
Two Hundred Years of Exploitation, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 85-87)
Critics, Reviewers and Aboriginal Writers, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 91-93)
Learning to Look, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 97-98)
After Two Hundred Years, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 101-105)
What Became of That Treaty?, Judith Wright , single work prose

'The Aboriginal Treaty Committee began work early in 1979, on a voluntary basis, to convince the public and politicians of the need for a properly negotiated Treaty with Australian Aborigines. When the Fraser government fell in 1983 and the first Hawke government succeeded it, Labor had made many promises to Aborigines. Many of our supporters believed that these promises would be kept.' (Introduction)

(p. 109-116)
Facing the Past and the Future, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 119-124)
The Writer as Activist, Judith Wright , single work criticism (p. 127-133)
Hurt Not the Earth, Neither the Sea, Nor the Trees The Meaning of the Word Sacred, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 137-139)
Australian Wilderness and Wasteland, Judith Wright , single work prose (p. 143-150)