y separately published work icon North of Capricorn : An Anthology of Prose anthology   short story   extract   prose   essay  
Issue Details: First known date: 1989... 1989 North of Capricorn : An Anthology of Prose
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* Contents derived from the Townsville, Townsville area, Marlborough - Mackay - Townsville area, Queensland,:Foundation for Australian Literary Studies, James Cook University of North Queensland , 1989 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Ilia the Emu-Man, single work prose dreaming story (p. 1-2)
Untitled, James Tucker , extract novel (p. 3-6)
The Cave Skeleton, Archibald Meston , single work short story (p. 7-11)
The Great Barrier Reefs (from Eight Bells : A Tale of the Sea and of the Cannibals of New Guinea), Hume Nisbet , extract (p. 12-14)
Fourteen Fathoms by Quetta Rock, Randolph Bedford , single work short story (p. 15-22)
Quite a Blow, Standby , single work short story (p. 23-33)
[Untitled], Louis Becke , extract novella (p. 34-37)
One of Our Bush Girls, E. A. Daly , single work short story (p. 38-42)
Farrel's Fate, George Jackson , single work short story (p. 43-47)
Black Sands, Ion L. Idriess , single work short story (p. 48-52)
From Confessions of a Beachcomber, E. J. Banfield , extract autobiography (p. 53-55)
Silences, E. J. Banfield , single work essay (p. 56-59)
The Flying Fat Boy, Xavier Herbert , single work short story
An insecure, obese pilot faces a near-death experience in his plane which changes his life.
(p. 60-66)
[Untitled] (from Journey to Mourilyan: A Coastal Pilgrimage), Neilma Sidney , extract prose travel (p. 67-69)
The Island (from: The Generous Sun, a work-in-progress), C. B. Christesen , extract autobiography (p. 70-82)
The Other Family, Bernard Smith , extract autobiography (p. 83-94)
School Days (from : Moon and Rainbow : The Autobiography of an Aboriginal), Dick Roughsey , extract autobiography (p. 95-99)
A World of Water (from : A House of Trees), Joan Colebrook , extract autobiography (p. 102-115)
What is Love?, Vance Palmer , single work short story (p. 116-127)
Black Peter, Bill Scott , single work short story (p. 128-131)