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Issue Details: First known date: 1997... 1997 Fetish Lives
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* Contents derived from the South Fremantle, Fremantle area, South West Perth, Perth, Western Australia,:Fremantle Press , 1997 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Snow, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 9-21)
The Re-Incarnation of Madame Tussaud, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 22-43)
Eleanor Reads Emma, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 44-57)
Skiascopy (or, the Science of Romance), Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 58-70)
Resuscitating Proust, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 71-90)
Queenie the Wordless, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 91-100)
The Veil, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 101-113)
Heartbreak Hotel, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 114-125)
Touch (the Births of Walt Whitman), Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 126-134)
The Man in the Moon, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 135-150)
Speaks Shadow, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 151-162)
Five Gifts, Told by Echo, Gail Jones , single work short story (p. 163-176)