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Issue Details: First known date: 1974... 1974 Australian Cultural Elites : Intellectual Traditions in Sydney and Melbourne
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* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:Angus and Robertson , 1974 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
The "Eternal Hermit" : Christopher Brennan, John Docker , single work criticism
Docker considers the unity Brennan seeks in Poems in sexual terms, paying close attention to the sexual metaphors of the first section. However, Lilith's intervention in the earthly union that was to produce transcendence disturbs the persona. Seeking union with Lilith, the persona does not know if he achieves transcendence or whether the feeling is the "creation of his own anxiety", leaving him in a state of "solipsistic despair".
(p. 3-21)
Norman Lindsay, Kenneth Slessor and the Artist-Aristocracy, John Docker , single work criticism (p. 22-41)
The Image of Woman in A. D. Hope's Poetry, John Docker , single work criticism (p. 42-58)
Note: With epigraph
Patrick White's Australian Literary Context Patrick White and Romanticism : The Vivisector, John Docker , single work criticism (p. 59-76)