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Issue Details: First known date: 1994... 1994 Poet Without Language
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* Contents derived from the Paddington, Kings Cross area, Inner Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales,:Rufus Records , 1994 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Serpent Ex Spearhead (for Voice and Metronome)i"serpent ex", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Marks Karli"no", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Life Styledi"as she draws in words appear", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Prayeri"I can't pray", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Signed Original Since (from TranceFIGUREd Spirit)i"was original painted landscape shapes sound", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
The Friendshipi"I search among a scrap-heap of her selves", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Snow Womani"It turned cold, the air was ripe for your descent,", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Come with Mei"He said come with me", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
On Performing New Musici"Making his way across the platform", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
An Artisti"An artist erects an edifice", Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Poet Without Language, Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Simultaneity, Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Caged John Uncaged, Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Silent Waves, Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Demigod (from TranceFIGUREd Spirit), Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Hour Light Affliction, Hazel Smith , single work poetry
Odd but Eveni"during the performance", Hazel Smith , single work poetry