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y separately published work icon Crimes for a Summer Christmas anthology   short story   crime  
Issue Details: First known date: 1990... 1990 Crimes for a Summer Christmas
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* Contents derived from the North Sydney, North Sydney - Lane Cove area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,:Allen and Unwin , 1990 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Ladies' Day, Jennifer Rowe , single work short story crime mystery (p. 3-14)
Logan's Comet, Peter Corris , single work short story crime (p. 17-23)
Westralian Lead, Mudrooroo , single work short story crime (p. 25-47)
Neighbourhood Fortress, Marion Halligan , single work short story crime (p. 49-60)
The Widder Tree Shadder Murder, Elizabeth Jolley , single work short story crime (p. 63-78)
The Caretaker, Ian Moffitt , single work short story crime (p. 81-99)
The Stinging Tree, Marele Day , single work short story crime (p. 101-105)
The Night of the Eclipse, Martin Long , single work short story crime (p. 107-117)
Songs of the Sea, Archie Weller , single work short story crime (p. 119-139)
The Perfect Murder, Renate Yates , single work short story (p. 141-143)
Pioneers, Michael Wilding , single work short story crime (p. 145-150)
The Manly Shooting (for Rob Drewe), Nigel Krauth , single work short story (p. 153-158)
Cody's Art, Garry Disher , single work short story crime (p. 161-171)
Tanners End, Kate Stephens , single work short story crime (p. 173-185)
Mugger's Game, Robert Hood , single work short story crime (p. 187-202)
Killing Time, John Sligo , single work short story crime (p. 205-225)