y separately published work icon The Boy, The Girl, and The Man selected work   short story   prose  
Issue Details: First known date: 1988... 1988 The Boy, The Girl, and The Man
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* Contents derived from the Blackwood, Mitcham area, Adelaide - South / South East, Adelaide, South Australia,:New Creation Publications , 1988 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
`Don't Fence Me In', Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 1-5)
From Singapore to Sydney, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story war literature (p. 6-14)
The Sound, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story

'The Sound' is a yarn about a near-deaf old man who recovers his hearing and a world once lost to him.

(Source: New Creation Library)

(p. 15-23)
The Power and the Glory, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 24-36)
The Boy with the Calves, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 37-44)
The Scarecrow and the Man, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 45-54)
The Woman and the Wild Apple, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 55-61)
The Magnificent Male, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 62-75)
Madness at Mersing, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story war literature (p. 76-88)
The Fortieth, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 89-99)
The Boy and the Golden Gelding, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 100-111)
The Man in the War Wards, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 112-152)
The Girl in a Cossie, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 153-166)
No Fear for Jeremy, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 167-173)
How Come You Kept Corrie?, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 174-185)
Being Grandpa, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 186-197)
The Boy and the Bitch, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 198-208)
Of Birds and Beings - An Occasional Essay, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work prose (p. 209-221)
Dear Death, Geoffrey C. Bingham , single work short story (p. 222-234)