y separately published work icon Robert D. FitzGerald selected work   criticism   biography   poetry   short story   prose   humour  
Issue Details: First known date: 1987... 1987 Robert D. FitzGerald
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* Contents derived from the St Lucia, Indooroopilly - St Lucia area, Brisbane - North West, Brisbane, Queensland,:University of Queensland Press , 1987 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Robert D. Fitzgerald : Introduction, Julian Croft , single work criticism biography (p. xiii-xxix)
Passer-Byi"The windows pouring gold into the dark", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 4)
Meetingi"Stranger who passed by in the half-light of the evening,", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 4)
The Walli"We shall come back to peace at eve", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 4)
The Greater Apollo : Seven Metaphysical Songs : Song Vi"The scored sea-cliff where ruffle-breasted", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 5)
The Sea-Eaglesi"Where the land slides into the sea", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 5-10)
Of Some Countryi"Though he has loved you and been glad,", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 11)
Retrospecti"Thought has grown somewhat weary recalling that old weariness,", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 11-12)
Motif, Theme, and Method, Robert D. FitzGerald , single work criticism (p. 13-32)
Communication and the Exhaustion of a Style, Robert D. FitzGerald , single work criticism (p. 33-41)
Long Since...i"Long since I heard the muttered anger of the reef;", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 46)
The Tossi"Life, toss up your florin;", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 47)
As For This Atavistic Twitch Coiled Wirei"As for this atavistic twitch", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 47)
A Datei"This day, if calendars tell true", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 47-48)
Ransomi"Evening: it ripples cool to our held feet", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 48)
This Night's Orbiti"I have walked on moonlit grass before,", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 49)
Copernicusi"The cock that crowed this dawn up, heard", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 49-50)
Roly-Polyi"Almost the flood of miles might pond", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 50-51)
In Personal Veini"Speaking from the heart, rather than with that heed", Robert D. FitzGerald , single work poetry (p. 51)
Kenneth Slessor, Robert D. FitzGerald , single work criticism (p. 52-57)