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y separately published work icon Satura : Selected Poetry and Prose selected work   poetry   prose   criticism  
Issue Details: First known date: 1988... 1988 Satura : Selected Poetry and Prose
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* Contents derived from the Adelaide, South Australia,:Wakefield Press , 1988 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Preface, A. D. Hope , single work criticism biography (p. v-vi)
Autumnal Reflectioni"Mid-March and the year stands poised on its turn", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 81)
Orpheus Ascendingi"The audience, as he ceased, with vacuous palms", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 82-84)
Rondeau 2i"Salute in my name all the company,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 85)
Hymn to Chancei"Madam, from time to time you are accosted", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 85)
Jason of Colchisi"Hero, forbear the pact.", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 87)
Choruses from a Playi"Conformity the King", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 88)
Consolation to Remusi"It was wrong, of course, to jump and jeer at your brother's wall.", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 92)
Tacitus to Plinyi"Defeated summer's banners, gold and red,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 93-97)
On Reading The Latin Poetsi"Why read the Latin poets, you enquire?", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 98)
Epitaph for Francois Rabelaisi"If where the mouldering dead repose", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 98-100)
Sonnets for Helenei"These long long nights of winter, when the dawdling moon", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 100)
The Persimmonsi"Six tawny globes, crowned with black polar stars,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 101)
Late Autumn on the Beachi"The sea is cool but cannot chill,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 101)
The Birds on North Terracei"How odd in this most staid of cities", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 102)
The Execution of Madame du Barryi"Keen as the blade of the guillotine, grey as its steel,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 102-103)
Epidaurus 1974i"We entered the great semicircle, we ascended vertiginous steps.", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 104-105)
Invocationi"Terminus, god of the boundaries, keeper of fence and line,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 105)
Lines to Hadriani"In the Athenian, midnight I stood by the arch of Hadrian", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 106-107)
To Sapphoi"There, beginning lyrical verse's roll-call,", John Bray , single work poetry (p. 107-108)