y separately published work icon Ghosts of a Lost World selected work   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 1998... 1998 Ghosts of a Lost World
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* Contents derived from the Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:Ginninderra Press , 1998 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
A New Currency, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 7-15)
The Almost Infinite Sea, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 16-30)
The Fall, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 31-41)
God of the Waves, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 42-53)
An Evening, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 54-57)
A Postscript, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 58-64)
Cloister Visions, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 65-75)
Manifesto of a Single Party, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 76-91)
Novice and Instructor, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 92-95)
Ratty's Atonement, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 96-107)
The Epiphany of Max Booker : In the Year of Our Lord 1985, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story humour (p. 108-121)
The Goal, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 122-127)
A Long Night's Sleep, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 128-137)
Centre of Attention, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 138-141)
Heavy Traffic, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 142-150)
The Next Show, Mark Uhlmann , single work short story (p. 151-152)