y separately published work icon Australian Short Stories anthology   short story  
Issue Details: First known date: 1928... 1928 Australian Short Stories
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* Contents derived from the Paris,
Western Europe, Europe,
Albin Michel , 1930 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Le Libéré The Emancipist, J. H. M. Abbott , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story historical fiction (p. 9-23)
Le Rôdeur The Chosen Vessel, Barbara Baynton , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story
Following a similar thread to Henry Lawson's "The Drover's Wife" (and many believe, a direct response to it), "The Chosen Vessel" follows a young mother left alone in her outback hut who becomes growingly concerned for her own safety following the arrival of a menacing swagmen. The story also follows for a short time a man riding in to town to place his vote and his struggles with religious guilt. 
(p. 25-35)
La Bicoque En Or A Profitable Pub, E. G. D. , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story humour (p. 39-60)
Un galon pour le soldat Casey A Stripe for Trooper Casey, Roderic Quinn , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story
Bush girl left alone while the district is at a dance is threatened by two murderous sailors, rescued by a bushranger, and manages to help him leave the sailors for the law without being captured himself.
(p. 63-86)
Le Chien explosif The Loaded Dog, Henry Lawson , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story humour
Dave and Andy create a bomb to blast fish out of the waterhole. However their dog picks the bomb up and begins a deadly, yet hilarious, game of 'fetch'.
(p. 89-102)
Le Braillard The Cooboo, Katharine Susannah Prichard , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story
Set on the wide plains of the Murndoo station, 'The Cooboo' is the story of Rose, a Wongana woman, mother, and stockwoman.
(p. 105-112)
Robson, Basil Garstang , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story
A man falls in love with a young widow who is living at his friend's farm. He fears she will reject him because she still loves the memory of her dead husband, but the truth is more suprising.
(p. 115-134)
Le Petit Nègre du Pasteur How the Reverend Joseph Simmondsen Lost His Character, Jack Fruit , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story humour (p. 137-144)
A quatorze brasses près de Quetta Rock Fourteen Fathoms by Quetta Rock, Randolph Bedford , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 147-164)
Cotonnade bleue Blue Dungaree, Gilbert Munro Turnbull , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 167-181)
L'Anniversaire The Birthday, Vance Palmer , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 185-198)
En quarantaine Quarantine, H. B. Marriott Watson , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 201-227)
Pour élargir l'horizon Widening the Horizon, Ethel Turner , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 231-247)
Un Léandre dans le Hawkesbury A Leander of the Hawkesbury, H. M. Green , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 251-267)
Le sort de l'Alida The Fate of the Alida, Louis Becke , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 271-292)
Interdite: Histoire du "Spinifex" Forbidden (A Story of the Spinifex), Gypsy Kelly , Maurice Remon (translator) single work short story (p. 295-310)