y separately published work icon The Dragon Principle selected work   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1975... 1975 The Dragon Principle
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* Contents derived from the Sydney, New South Wales,:Prism , 1975 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Genuflection 1i"Smelling like love over an open fire", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 14-15)
Genuflection 2i"There was a light forming between rare utterances", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 16-18)
Sinkingi"the sea is boarded over.", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 19-21)
A Possible Apostlei"Taxis enclosing blueprints", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 22-23)
The Dragon Principlei"The well tempered harmonies of our movement", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 24)
Volcanoi"The soundmountain spent hours breathing in the hollow chill", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 25)
Vision of a Soundmountaini"It might have been sound. I stopped to listen as the vision of a", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 26)
Genuflection 3i"The page is a vacant field", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 27)
The East Coasti"Sydney I guess, lapses into particles athletic", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 30)
The Poem in Civil Wari"a creature, a writing", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 31-51)
Thumpi"My bones have myself walking through them. It is a hallway, the", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 54)
The Poem as a Guessi"Regardless of the hazards of ink shoes", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 55)
A Fast Landscapei"The given properties of a grass parrot unfold the", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 56-57)
New South Switzerlandi"A frog in the valley's throat wonders how many", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 58-59)
The Rocki"We summon a word into being only to refer to it.", Stephen Murray , single work poetry (p. 60)