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y separately published work icon The Fat Man in History : Short Stories selected work   short story   science fiction   satire  
Issue Details: First known date: 1974... 1974 The Fat Man in History : Short Stories
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* Contents derived from the St Lucia, Indooroopilly - St Lucia area, Brisbane - North West, Brisbane, Queensland,:University of Queensland Press , 1974 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Crabs, Peter Carey , single work short story satire science fiction

'Crabs is very neat in everything he does. His movements are almost fussy, but he has so much fight in his delicate frame that they're not fussy at all. Lately he has been eating. When Frank eats one steak, Crab eats two. When Frank has a pint of mil, Crabs drinks two. He spends a lot of time lying on his bed, groaning, because of the food. But he's building up. At night he runs five miles to Clayton. He always means to run back, but he always ends up on the train, hot and sweating and sticking to the seat. His aim is to increase his weight and get a job driving for Allied Panel and Towing. Already he has his licence but he's too small, not tough enough to beat off the competition at a crash scene.' (Introduction)

(p. 7-21)
Peeling, Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 22-32)
She Wakes, Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 33-34)
Life and Death in the South Side Pavilion, Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 35-40)
Room No.5 (Escribo), Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 41-51)
Happy Story, Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 52-55)
A Windmill in the West, Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 56-67)
Withdrawal, Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 68-90)
Report on the Shadow Industry, Peter Carey , single work short story science fiction (p. 91-94)
Conversations with Unicorns, Peter Carey , single work short story science fiction (p. 95-100)
American Dreams, Peter Carey , single work short story (p. 101-113)
The Fat Man in History, Peter Carey , single work short story

A short story set in a world where to be fat is to be counter-revolutionary and seen as greedy. Six fat men, ostracised from society, live together in one house and find some semblance of harmony. Hopeless, the only option to them seems to be to conform to society, until one of them suggests striking back at authority and the regime they live under. 

(p. 114-141)