y separately published work icon My One True Love anthology   short story   prose   biography   poetry  
Issue Details: First known date: 1999... 1999 My One True Love
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* Contents derived from the Milsons Point, North Sydney - Lane Cove area, Sydney Northern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales,:Random House Australia , 1999 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
Europai"No wonder you love", Dorothy Porter , single work poetry (p. 10-11)
Lizzie and the Great Outdoors, Margaret Scott , single work short story (p. 13-25)
Up Above the World, Garry Disher , single work short story (p. 35-44)
Grace, Rosie Scott , single work short story (p. 45-51)
The Vine, Meme McDonald , single work short story (p. 53-62)
Love of the Place, Nicholas Jose , single work short story (p. 77-83)
Rays, Emma Tom , single work short story (p. 85-101)
Between Eros and Agape, Adib Khan , single work short story (p. 103-114)
Baba : My Song...Widows and Nephews and All..., Elizabeth Jolley , single work biography (p. 115-120)
Luca Luca, Gretel Killeen , single work short story (p. 121-137)
Monsieur Poltarac Eats Cheese, Jose Borghino , single work short story (p. 139-147)
The Boy the Colour of Sand, Robert Drewe , single work short story (p. 149-158)
The Writing Desk, Amy Witting , single work short story (p. 177-199)
My Name is Disturbance, Nikki Gemmell , single work short story (p. 201-210)
Theatre as Organic Disorder, Raimondo Cortese , single work prose (p. 211-226)
A Mad Affair, Robert Dessaix , single work short story (p. 227-234)
Walking Out of My Heart Under the Wide Sky My One True Love, Paul Cox , single work prose (p. 235-239)
My One True Love Amy Witting, Amy Witting , single work biography (p. 247)