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Issue Details: First known date: 1995... 1995 Proceedings : Association for the Study of Australian Literature, Sixteenth Annual Conference, 3-8 July 1994
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* Contents derived from the Campbell, North Canberra area, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory,:Association for the Study of Australian Literature Australian Defence Force Academy. Dept. of English , 1995 version. Please note that other versions/publications may contain different contents. See the Publication Details.
'O Rare Young Man': David McKee Wright's 'Bulletin' Debates with Jack Lindsay, 1922-25, Michael Sharkey , single work criticism (p. 1-6)
Slessor's `Darlinghurst Nights': Troping the Light Fantastic, Peter Kirkpatrick , single work criticism (p. 7-13)
What Can You Do with a Horizon?: Landscape in Recent Australian Fiction and the Visual Arts, Gillian Tyas , single work criticism (p. 14-19)
Contingency or Remedy? That Little Herb of Self-Heal, Kerry Goddard , single work criticism (p. 28-34)
Presentation of Public and Private Bodies in the Written and Visual Work of Barbara Hanrahan, Felicity Thyer , single work criticism (p. 35-41)
Barbara Hanrahan's Work of Autobiographical Fiction, Georgina Mumme , single work criticism (p. 42-47)
`City of Sighs': The Poetry of John Shaw Neilson, Laurie Clancy , single work criticism (p. 48-56)
`The Folds of Unseen Linen': The Fabric of Rosemary Dobson's Poetry Rosemary Dobson - the Text and the Textile, Marie-Louise Ayres , single work criticism (p. 57-63)
The Vernacular Country Club: Traditional Experiment, Experimental Tradition and Les Murray's `The Boys Who Stole the Funeral', Dean Kiley , single work criticism (p. 64-70)
`Sweet Relief' : The Politics of Erotic Experience in the Poetry of Lesbia Harford, Mary Fullerton and Zora Cross, Kate Chadwick , single work criticism (p. 71-78)
Dora's Antipodean Inheritors: Psychiatric Therapy in `Poppy', `Julia Paradise' and `Still Murder', Helen Thomson , single work criticism (p. 79-86)
A Lost Novel by George Chamier (1842-1915), Carol Franklin , single work criticism biography (p. 87-92)
A Society of Country Women and the Functions of Literary Property Monumental Authority and Regional Identity: The Municipal Canonisation of George Essex Evans, Christopher Lee , single work criticism (p. 93-99)
Early Convict Novels, Lurline Stuart , single work criticism (p. 100-104)
Should Non-Combatants Write About War?, Geoff Page , single work criticism (p. 105-107)
A Gravitational Pull, Alan Gould , single work criticism biography (p. 108-112)
The Transformation of Experience into Literary Form in My Writings About the War, D. E. Charlwood , single work criticism biography (p. 113-115)
Guns 'n' Roses: Australian Women Writers' Bold-and-Not-so-Bold Journeys into the Great War, Donna Coates , single work criticism (p. 120-126)
`Apocalepus': `The Year of the Angry Rabbit' and Braddon's View of Australia, Ronald Blaber , single work criticism biography (p. 127-132)
Remaking Femininity and Desire: A Post-War Reconstruction Project, Pamela Murray , single work criticism (p. 133-138)