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1 1 y separately published work icon Ecosustainable Narratives and Partnership Relationships in World Literatures in English Antonella Riem Natale (editor), Tony Hughes-d'Aeth (editor), Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2022 24929773 2022 anthology criticism

'The book challenges the myth of the neutrality and detachment of the scholar. Its strength lies in its dynamic, engaging and passionate participation in the meeting of texts and words of different genres, geographical areas and cultures, in the pluralistic diversity of the themes explored, in its fundamental and creative relations with ecosophy, ethnophilology, ecofeminism, system theory and ecolinguistics. It brings together renowned international scholars to focus on postcolonial, ecocritical, mythical, and archetypal studies of literature, education and its partnership mediation, applied linguistics and plurilingual education.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Anglophone Literature and Culture in the Anthropocene Gina Comos (editor), Caroline Rosenthal (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2019 17528394 2019 anthology criticism

'Defined as an ecological epoch in which humans have the most impact on the environment, the Anthropocene poses challenging questions to literary and cultural studies. If, in the Anthropocene, the distinction between nature and culture increasingly collapses, we have to rethink our division between historiography and natural history, as well as notions of the subject and of agency since the Enlightenment.

'This anthology collects papers from literary and cultural studies that address various issues surrounding the topic. Even though the new epoch seems to require a collective self-understanding as a unified species, readings of the Anthropocene and conceptualizations of human-nature relationships largely differ in Anglophone literatures and cultures. These differing perspectives are reflected in the structure of this book, which is divided into five separate sections: the introductory part familiarizes the reader with the concept and the challenges it poses for the humanities in general and for literary and cultural studies in particular, and the three following sections combine broader, more theoretical, essays with in-depth critical readings of US, Canadian, and Australian representations of the Anthropocene in literature. The final part moves beyond literature to include media theoretical perspectives and discussions of photography and cinema in the Anthropocene.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 2 y separately published work icon Aboriginal People and Australian Football in the Nineteenth Century : They Did Not Come from Nowhere Roy Hay , United Kingdom (UK) : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2019 16638644 2019 multi chapter work criticism

'This book will revolutionise the history of Indigenous involvement in Australian football in the second half of the nineteenth century. It collects new evidence to show how Aboriginal people saw the cricket and football played by those who had taken their land and resources and forced their way into them in the missions and stations around the peripheries of Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. They learned the game and brought their own skills to it, eventually winning local leagues and earning the respect of their contemporaries. They were prevented from reaching higher levels by the gatekeepers of the domestic game until late in the twentieth century. Their successors did not come from nowhere.'  (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Border, Globalization and Identity Sukanta Das (editor), Sanatan Bhowal (editor), Sisodhara Syangbo (editor), Abhinanda Roy (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2018 13418371 2018 anthology criticism

'This collection investigates the complex and myriad relations between identity and borders in an increasingly globalized world. The movement towards a borderless world, bolstered by an unprecedented development in information and communication technology, forces us to rethink traditional notions of singular identity, and directs us towards the need for engaging and negotiating with the world in multiple ways. Employing a wide range of critical approaches to works that examine and explore the contested terrain of globalization and the hotly disputed arena of borders, the essays brought together here offer innovative perspectives through which issues of borders, globalization and identity can be negotiated. Straddling various genres, this collection represents an investigation of the conflicting relationship between identity and borders in the contemporary globalized world.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Globaletics and Radicant Aesthetics in Australian Fiction Salhia Ben-Messahel , Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2017 28354181 2017 multi chapter work criticism

'This book focuses on the issues of space, culture and identity in recent Australian fiction. It discusses the work of 15 authors to show that, in Australia, the meaning of “country” remains critical and cultural belonging is still a difficult process. Interrogating the definition of Australia as a “post-colonial nation” and its underlying extension from Britain, it applies Nicolas Bourriaud’s concept of the Radicant to examine Australian writing beyond the “post” of “post-colonialism”. The book shows that some authors are engaged in writing about the country and the time in which they live, but that they also share common critical views on the definition of multiculturalism, the belonging to place, and integration in the nation. The volume suggests that theories of cultural hybridism presented as a decolonising methodology in fact dissolve singularity in the same way that globalisation creates standardisation. It argues that 21st century Australian fiction depicts the subject as a radicant and that Australian culture constitutes a mobile entity unconnected to any soil.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 2 y separately published work icon 'And There'll Be NO Dancing' : Perspectives on Policies Impacting Indigenous Australia since 2007 Elisabeth Bähr (editor), Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2017 18132727 2017 anthology criticism

'Just prior to the federal election of 2007, the Australian government led by John Howard decreed the “Northern Territory National Emergency Response”, commonly known as the Intervention, officially in reaction to an investigation by the Northern Territory government into allegedly rampant sexual abuse and neglect of Indigenous children. The emergency laws authorised the Australian government to drastically intervene in the self-determination of Indigenous communities in contravention of the UN Declaration of Human Rights and of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

'Far from improving the living conditions of Indigenous Australians and children, the policies have resulted in disempowerment, widespread despair, criminalisation and higher unemployment. The Intervention and subsequent political measures have led to heated controversies and continue to divide the Australian nation. They have revived the trauma of the past—including of the Stolen Generations—and have substantially damaged the process of reconciliation.

'Fourteen essays by scholars from Australia and Germany examine (historical) contexts and discourses of the Intervention and subsequent policies impacting Indigenous Australia since 2007 from the perspective of diverse academic disciplines including history, sociology, law, Indigenous studies, art history, literature, education and media studies. They invite readers to engage in the debate about human rights, about Indigenous self-determination, and about the preservation of Indigenous culture.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon Recovering History through Fact and Fiction : Forgotten Lives Dallas J. Baker (editor), Donna Lee Brien (editor), Nike Sulway (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2017 15301914 2017 anthology criticism

'This edited collection brings together research that focuses on historic figures who have been largely neglected by history or forgotten over time. The question of how to recover, reclaim or retell the histories and stories of those obscured by the passage of time is one of growing public and scholarly interest. The volume includes chapters on a diverse array of topics, including semi-biographical fiction, digital and visual biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs, among others. Apart from the largely forgotten, the book provides fresh perspectives on historical figures whose biographies are distorted by their fame or limited by public perception. The subjects explored here include, among others, a child author, a Finnish grandmother, a cold war émigré, an Elizabethan era playwright, a castaway, a celebrated female artist, and the lauded personalities Mary Shelley, Judy Garland and J.R.R. Tolkien. Altogether, the chapters included in this collection offer a much-needed snapshot of new research on biography and its many variations and hybrids which will be of interest to academics and students of biography and life writing in general.'   (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Texts and Textiles : Affect, Synaesthesia and Metaphor in Fiction Diana Mary Eva Thomas , Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2017 11791282 2017 multi chapter work criticism

'This study shows how fiction that makes use of textiles as an essential element utilizes synaesthetic writing and synaesthetic metaphor to create an affective link to, and response in, the reader. These links and responses are examined using affect theory from Silvan Tomkins and Brian Massumi and work on synaesthesia by Richard Cytowic, Lawrence Marks, and V.S. Ramachandran, among others. Synaesthetic writing, including synaesthetic metaphors, has been explored in poetry since the 1920s and, more recently, in fiction, but these studies have been general in nature. By narrowing the field of investigation to those novels that specifically employ three types of hand-crafted textiles (quilt-making, knitting and embroidery), the book isolates how these textiles are used in fiction. The combination of synaesthesia, memory, metaphor and, particularly, synaesthetic metaphor in fiction with textiles in the text of the case studies selected, shows how these are used to create affect in readers, enhancing their engagement in the story.

'The work is framed within the context of the history of textile production and the use of textiles in fiction internationally, but concentrates on Australian authors who have used textiles in their writing. The decision to focus on Australian authors was taken in light of the quality and depth of the writing of textile fiction produced in Australia between 1980 and 2005 in the three categories of hand-crafted textiles – quilt-making, knitting and embroidery. The texts chosen for intensive study are: Kate Grenville’s The Idea of Perfection (1999, quilting); Marele Day’s Lambs of God (1997, knitting) and Anne Bartlett’s Knitting (2005, knitting); Jessica Anderson’s Tirra Lirra by the River (1978, embroidery) and Marion Halligan’s Spider Cup (1990, embroidery).' (Publication summary)

1 1 y separately published work icon Patrick White and God Michael Giffin , Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2017 11004794 2017 multi chapter work criticism

'The novels of Australia's Nobel Laureate Patrick White (1912-1990) are a persistent commentary on Nietzsche's proclamation of God's death. As White knew the proclamation was not about God's existence, but about classical views of God, it presented him with the impossible task of using language to describe what language cannot describe. This has always been one of the more misunderstood aspects of his literary vision. Because the announcement is often interpreted in antithetical ways, atheistic, theistic, secular, religious, humanistic and fatalistic, critics should gain a better understanding of what White was trying to achieve by comparing him with his post-war contemporaries from England, Scotland, and Canada: Iris Murdoch, William Golding, Muriel Spark and Robertson Davies. After, and because of, the war, these authors all commented on the consequences of God's death. Along with White, they worked with a shared pattern of tropes to explore the light and dark aspects of western consciousness and the civilization it has produced. Where did the pattern come from? Was it metaphysical or metapsychological? These questions are complex as the pattern came from many sources, simultaneously and synergistically, but this book tackles these questions by describing that pattern.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Challenges of Anglophone Language(s), Literature and Culture Alena Kačmárová (editor), Bavjola Shatro (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2017 10922302 2017 anthology criticism

'This book explores scholarly challenges within the fields of Anglophone language, literature, and culture. The section focusing on language details issues falling within two areas: namely, language contact and the language-culture relationship, and stylistic and syntactic perspectives on the English language. The literature part investigates twentieth-century American, English, and Australian literature, dealing with both poetry and prose and discussing topics of identity, gender, metafiction, postmodern conditions, and other relevant theoretical issues in contemporary literature. The culture part treats theoretical approaches in cultural studies that are vital in today’s cultural context, especially in Central European universities, the Irish language and culture, and contemporary cultural phenomena inspired by the growing ubiquity of technological intrusions into various fields of cultural production.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon The Age of Dystopia : One Genre, Our Fears and Our Future Louisa MacKay Demerjian (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2016 9344280 2016 anthology criticism
1 y separately published work icon Autobiography as a Writing Strategy in Postcolonial Literature Benaouda Lebdai (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2015 8887049 2015 anthology criticism

'Autobiography, a fully-recognised genre within mainstream literature today, has evolved massively in the last few decades, particularly through colonial and postcolonial texts. By using autobiography as a means of expression, many postcolonial writers were able to describe their experiences in the face of the denial of personal expression for centuries. This book is centred around the recounting and analysis of such a phenomenon.

'Literary purists often reject autobiography as a fully-fledged literary genre, perceiving it rather as a mere life report or a descriptive diary. The colonial and postcolonial autobiographical texts analysed in this book refute such perceptions, and demonstrate a subtle combination of literary qualities and the recounting of real-life experiences.

'This book demonstrates that colonial and postcolonial autobiographical texts have established their ‘literarity’. The need for postcolonial authors to express themselves through the ‘I’ and the ‘me’, as subjects and not as objects, is the essence of this book, and confirms that self-affirmation through autobiographical writing is indeed an art form.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Myths and Memories : (Re)viewing Colonial Western Australia through Traveller's Imaginings, 1850-1914 Cindy Lane , Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2015 8804830 2015 single work criticism

'This book examines the perceptions of European travelling writers about southern Western Australia between 1850 and 1914. Theirs was a narrow vision of space and people in the region, shaped by their individual personalities, their position in society, and the prevailing discourses and ideologies of the age. Christian, Enlightenment, and Romantic philosophies had a major influence on their responses to the land – its cultivation and conservation, and its aesthetic qualities – and on their views of both indigenous and settler colonial society – their class and assumptions of race and ethnicity. The travelling men and women perpetuated an idealised view of a colonised landscape, and a “pioneer” community that eliminated class struggle and inequality, even though an analysis of their observations suggests otherwise. Nevertheless, although limited, their narratives are invaluable as a reflection of opinions, attitudes and knowledge prevalent during an age of imperialism. Their perspectives reveal unique viewpoints that differ from those of immigrants who wrote about their hopes and fears in making a new life for themselves. These travellers were economically secure, literate and educated, foundations which provide an insight into the way power and privilege, implicit in their writings, governed the way they imagined Western Australia in the colonial and immediate post-federation period. The tinted lenses through which European travelling writers narrowly observed space and people, presented a mythical, imagined sense of southern Western Australia.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Labels and Locations : Gender, Family, Class and Caste–the Short Narratives of South Asian Diaspora in Australia Amit Sarwal , Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2015 8583427 2015 single work criticism

'Some happy occasions, like the 1995 Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best Book to Bangladeshi-Australian author Adib Khan, the 2008 Man Booker Prize to Indian born Australian writer Arvinda Adiga, and the 2013 Australian Prime Minister's Literary Award for Fiction to Sri Lankan-Australian author Michele de Krester, have boosted the self-confidence of South Asian-Australian writers in Australia. South Asian diasporic communities have also been the focus for relatively small, but constantly growing, studies by anthropologists and sociologists on the interrelation of gender, race, ethnicity and migration in Australia. The terms Labels and Locations capture numerous aspects that contribute in the making of a diasporic consciousness. This book critically examines the issues of identity, gender, family, class and caste, expressed in the short narratives of South Asian diaspora writers based in Australia. Taking an interdisciplinary approach–from literary, cultural, historical, anthropological, and sociological studies–this book engages chiefly with the oeuvre of postcolonial writers and academics, namely: Mena Abdullah, Adib Khan, Yasmine Gooneratne, Michelle De Kretser, Chandani Lokuge, Chitra Fernando, Satendra Nandan, Suneeta Peres da Costa, Hanifa Deen, Christopher Cyrill, Suvendrini Perera, Sunil Govinnage, Brij V. Lal, Sunil Badami, Glenn D'Cruz, Chris Raja, Manik Datar, David De Vos, Rashmere Bhatti, Kirpal Singh Chauli, Sujhatha Fernandes, Neelam Maharaj, Sushie Narayan, Madu Pasipanodya, Shrishti Sharma, Beryl T. Mitchell, and Sunitha. This book will, by calling upon the works of this much-neglected South Asian diaspora group, fill a lacuna in the broader critical rubric of diaspora studies.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Mothers at the Margins : Stories of Challenge, Resistance and Love Lisa Raith (editor), Jenny Jones (editor), Marie Porter (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2015 22645994 2015 anthology criticism

'In the last two decades, maternal scholarship has grown exponentially. Despite this, however, there are still numerous areas which remain under-researched, one of which is the experiences of marginalised mothers. Far from being a sentimental, feel-good account of mothering, this collection speaks with the voices of mothers through the application of a matricentric lens. In particular, it speaks with the voices of those mothers who feel alienated or stigmatised; mothers who have been rendered invisible; mothers who feel they have been silenced. These are the voices of mothers who, through a perception that they do not fit the accepted and expected norms of motherhood, have been relegated to the margins. In recovering these “lost” voices, the attuned listener may hear tones that resonate, are dissonant, angry or full of joy.

'This book explores the experiences of mothers from broad and diverse socio-cultural backgrounds, thus expanding understandings and appreciations of the complexity of maternal experiences. It challenges narrowly constructed ideas of maternal identity, countering the homogenous collection of voices which speak in normative tones and of predictable values on the subject of motherhood and mothering. Recovering the marginalised voice of mothering and the voices of marginalised mothers reveals not only structures of alienation, oppression and marginalisation, but also strategies of resistance and love that such mothers develop through negotiating the challenges encountered in their living realities.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 y separately published work icon English Studies : New Perspectives Mehmet Ali Celikel (editor), Baysar Taniyan (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2015 10706718 2015 anthology criticism

'This volume offers a selection of revised versions of the papers presented at the 7th International IDEA Conference held at Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey, organised by the Association of English Language and Literary Studies in Turkey. The contributions to this book offer a wide range of research from scholars on a variety of topics in English literature, including Shakespearean studies, Victorian, colonial, and postcolonial literature, poetry, and drama studies. The volume also includes a number of informative research articles on comparative and translation studies which will offer assistance to young scholars in their academic studies. In addition to acting as a guide to young academics, the book will also function as a fruitful reference book in a wide range of English literary studies.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Re-Imagining the First World War : New Perspectives in Anglophone Literature and Culture Anna Branach-Kallas (editor), Nelly Strehlau (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2015 10692123 2015 anthology criticism

'In the Preface to his ground-breaking The Great War and Modern Memory (1975), Paul Fussell claimed that “the dynamics and iconography of the Great War have proved crucial political, rhetorical, and artistic determinants on subsequent life.” Forty years after the publication of Fussell’s study, the contributors to this volume reconsider whether the myth generated by World War I is still “part of the fiber of [people’s] lives” in English-speaking countries. What is the place of the First World War in cultural memory today? How have the literary means for remembering the war changed since the war? Can anything new be learned from the effort to re-imagine the First World War after other bloody conflicts of the 20th century? A variety of answers to these questions are provided in Re-Imagining the First World War: New Perspectives in Anglophone Literature and Culture, which explores the Great War in British, Irish, Canadian, Australian, and (post)colonial contexts.

The contributors to this collection write about the war from a literary perspective, reinterpreting poetry, fiction, letters, and essays created during or shortly after the war, exploring contemporary discourses of commemoration, and presenting in-depth studies of complex conceptual issues, such as gender and citizenship. Re-Imagining the First World War also includes historical, philosophical and sociological investigations of the first industrialised conflict of the 20th century, which focus on responses to the Great War in political discourse, life writing, music, and film: from the experience of missionaries isolated during the war in the Arctic and Asia, through colonial encounters, exploring the role of Irish, Chinese and Canadian First Nations soldiers during the war, to the representation of war in the world-famous series Downton Abbey and the 2013 album released by contemporary Scottish rock singer Fish.

'The variety of themes covered by the essays here not only confirms the significance of the First World War in memory today, but also illustrates the necessity of developing new approaches to the first global conflict, and of commemorating “new” victims and agents of war. If modes of remembrance have changed with the postmodern ethical shift in historiography and cultural studies, which encourages the exploration of “other” subjectivities in war, so-far concealed affinities and reverberations are still being discovered, on the macro- and micro-historical levels, the Western and other fronts, the battlefield, and the home front. Although it has been a hundred years since the outbreak of hostilities, there is a need for increased sensitivity to the tension between commemoration and contestation, and to re-member, re-conceptualise and re-imagine the Great War.' (Publication summary)

1 y separately published work icon Selected Essays on Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Literatures Igor Maver , Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2014 9034521 2014 selected work criticism

'These selected essays on Canadian, Australian and New Zealand literatures often, although not always, consider individual texts and literary authors within the postcolonial paradigm. They discuss some of the most prominent, mostly contemporary literary authors in these genres, including, for example, Margaret Attwood, C. K. Stead, Christopher Kosh, David Malouf, Richard Flanagan, Andrew Riemer, Ouyang Yu, A. D. Hope, Teju Cole from the USA, and others. Several studies focus on significant issues in recent diasporic and transcultural writing in English, including specific Slovenian literary production, while some of the essays examine the literary representations of a country in a particular national collective consciousness.' [From the back cover]

1 1 y separately published work icon Colonial Psychosocial : Reading William Lane David Crouch , Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2014 8335402 2014 single work criticism

'A small, bespectacled man with impressive moustaches and a devastating way with words, William Lane was at first delighted with the pliant disposition of the society he found emerging in the colonies of Australia. The nascent nation was awash with radical ideas and inherited bigotries, but also obsessed with itself and uneasy about its own place and composition. To this combustible atmosphere, Lane contributed all the excesses of his blistering rhetoric and seductive hyperbole; he mesmerised his audience with all the things it feared.

'Colonial Psychosocial traverses the ‘darkness’ of colonial cities, descriptions of opium dens and Fan Tan gambling rooms, tales of race-war and the morbid textual dissections of alien interlopers; it delves into vicious narratives of invasion and expulsion, inscrutable crowds and rioting mobs. Through the focus provided by Lane’s life and writing, the book traces phantasmagorias of deformity, disease and degenerative decline; it considers the fate of the ‘workingman’s paradise’, a miscellanea of socialist, nationalist and utopian delusion, and the disorienting appearance of modernity in the colonial laboratory. It follows the dictatorship and demise of ‘New Australia’, a settlement in Paraguay based on purity of blood, and closes with the violence and idealism of a transnational twilight in New Zealand.

'Lane helped shape a lexis of exclusion and denial that suffused the colonies. His divisive social commentary fed a fantasy of Australia that became the persistent rationale for aggressive assertions of identity. Through Lane, this study develops a way of approaching the historically situated and discursively shaped anxieties that were invigorated by the uncertainties bred at the edges of empire, distilled in a pervasive lexicon of ‘race thinking’, and made part of far wider technologies of social control.'

Source: Publisher's blurb.

1 1 y separately published work icon Creative Manoeuvres : Writing, Making, Being Shane Strange (editor), Jen Webb (editor), Paul Hetherington (editor), Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press , 2014 8006836 2014 anthology criticism

'Creative Manoeuvres is a collection of new writings on a topic of enduring interest: the role of creative practice in the formation of knowledge. The contributors to this collection are primarily creative writers, working in poetry, fiction, nonfiction and ethnography. Many include the visual or performing arts within their practice; and all are academics as well as creative writers. Their chapters move the study of creative writing beyond subjective accounts of 'how I write' towards broader issues of how knowledge is addressed by, or incorporated into, or embodied in, art. Each chapter does double duty as a case study on approaches to creative and research work, both describing and critically exploring the strategies, or 'creative manoeuvres', these writers have adopted to advance their practice in both creative and critical domains. In this way, the book not only exemplifies moves in the contemporary academy to understand better the value creative practice can offer to the university, but also provides a rich and engaging set of narratives about ways of being, ways of making and ways of coming to know. In both practical and theoretical modes, it contributes to the ongoing questions about creativity andlversus scholarship that have been debated over recent decades.' (Publication summary)